The Blog

Wil and Rand and Rio in Ireland.

Posted on
Nov 6, 2015

We went to Ireland with our friends Wil and Nora, their son Rio, and the amazing Emily, nanny-extraordinaire (she also helped take care of me and Rand, which was nice). I took these photos on a rainy day while we walked around Cork. They simultaneously made my uterus explode, and also made me think that…

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Tower Bridge Exhibition, London

Posted on
Nov 3, 2015

Prior to my most recent trip to London, the only thing I knew about Tower Bridge was this: In 1967, an American named Robert McCullough bought London Bridge, dismantled it, and had it moved to the states. The rumor is that he had confused the rather drab and plain bridge he’d purchased with the more architecturally…

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My Interview On The Unmistakable Creative

Posted on
Oct 27, 2015
Posted in: Site News

I recently did an interview with Srini Rao who runs the Unmistakable Creative podcast. We talked about the creative process, how your past experiences influence storytelling, and the struggle of finding your own voice. Oh, and they created this album cover for my episode, which I positively geeked out over: Pretty awesome, huh? If you…

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Back from Ireland.

Posted on
Oct 27, 2015
Posted in: Random Musings

We just got back from Ireland last night. We spent the better part of a week driving around the country, outrunning storms and chasing rainbows (I do not mean to be twee – we literally did), slipping into pubs to drink dark beers and eat lamb stews. We went to the Cliffs of Moher and…

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Bageriet: a Swedish Bakery in London? And why not.

Posted on
Oct 19, 2015
Posted in: City Guide, Food

There is a banging noise coming from the courtyard outside, and the sky above London is grey. It all feels familiar, the early morning sounds and sights of a city I’ve come to know. We have friends here, we have favorite restaurants and shops; we’ve even stayed in this strange little hotel before, with its…

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