The Blog

Dante’s 10th Circle of Hell Is Yoga Sculpt

Posted on
Jan 12, 2016

I don’t like horror movies. I think it’s because I don’t find violence or death to be that entertaining. I’m not trying to be holier-than-thou – I just really, really dislike being scared. It’s probably because I’m scared all the time, anyway (it’s a byproduct of my anxiety. Basically, any time I’m alone and anything…

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How to Be Happy Forever

Posted on
Jan 7, 2016

I am talking about relationships with a friend in a dark restaurant. Rand has left the table for a moment, ostensibly to use the bathroom, though most likely to try to steal the bill. I have seen the two of them do this dance before, a race to see who can put down his credit…

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Rainy Days, Sunny Dispositions in Ireland.

Posted on
Dec 29, 2015
Posted in: Random Musings

When we were in Ireland, it rained. Like, a lot. It rained as we wandered through the streets of Cork, and it rained as we explored Elizabeth Fort. After a while, we started feeling downtrodden and melodramatic, weighed down by the grey skies and our sopping wet clothing.

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Ballycarbery Castle, County Kerry, Ireland

Posted on
Dec 28, 2015
Posted in: Attractions

The thing about Ireland – and Europe in general, really – is that there are castles all over the damn place. They’re sort of like Red Lobster restaurants in America. Everyone’s hometown has one, and they’re usually in various states of disrepair and completely empty. Unless relatives are visiting from afar, you probably aren’t going to…

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Musings on Getting Recognized In Real Life

Posted on
Dec 1, 2015
Posted in: Random Musings

If you have a blog, and tend to pepper it with photos of yourself making out with your husband- AHEM. As I was saying, if you have a blog, and that blog serves as a thinly veiled excuse to post pictures in which you are mashing faces with your beloved, you may find that people…

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The Sixth Floor Museum, Dallas, Texas

Posted on
Nov 23, 2015
Posted in: Museums

Last week I visited Dallas for the first time, and the museum that now occupies the book infamous depository where Lee Harvey Oswald worked. It is on the sixth floor of this building, situated at the awkwardly sharp intersection of Elm and Houston, that Oswald fired on JFK’s motorcade, killing the president. November 22, 1963.…

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