The Blog

Gourdough’s Public House, Austin, Texas

Posted on
Apr 4, 2016
Posted in: Food

When I was a junior and senior in high school, I ate fast food nearly every single day for lunch. I can rarely recall an exception to this, because apparently processed fats make the inside of your brain too greasy for memories to stick to them, but I have a sneaking suspicion there were at least…

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Rainbows in Ireland.

Posted on
Apr 1, 2016
Posted in: Random Musings

Our trip to Ireland occasionally ventured into the land of the cliche. We drank pints of Guinness, we ate lamb stew, and we wondered every now and then if all of this wasn’t simply a show put on for the amusement of tourists. Because, seriously: A potato specialist? In Ireland? (I nearly hyperventilated.)

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OSF 2016 Season Review: Yeomen of the Guard, Twelfth Night, Great Expectations, and The River Bride

Posted on
Mar 23, 2016
Posted in: Attractions, Shows

Let me begin with a disclaimer of sorts. For the last seven years on this blog, I have staunchly avoided accepting free trips, tickets, passes, gifts, upgrades, hotel stays, or products. Last month, though, I caved. We were invited to opening weekend of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, and offered press tickets for the shows, which…

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The Duke Lemur Center, Durham, North Carolina

Posted on
Mar 7, 2016
Posted in: Attractions

It’s the first Monday in March of a leap year – you know that means, right? IT’S OMFG I LOVE LEMURS DAY. (Note: OMFG I LOVE LEMURS DAY is something I just made up.) Had I had any forethought AT ALL I’d have put this post up on Leap Day, because, you know, lemurs leap. Regrets,…

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I Am Speaking at Women’s Travel Fest 2016

Posted on
Mar 1, 2016
Posted in: Site News

Sometimes organizers of events get drunk* and invite me to speak at things! As such am incredibly excited to announce that I will be a panelist at the Women’s Travel Fest this weekend in New York City, a conference and an honor for which I am largely unqualified. After taking a gander at the speaker page,…

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Beaches in Ireland

Posted on
Feb 29, 2016
Posted in: Random Musings

Our friend Hannah warned us that around the town of Cork, Ireland, people became very possessive of their beaches. I thought I misheard her, naturally. “This bitch belongs to no man-” I said, waving my finger defiantly in the air. (“See? This is why you aren’t allowed to have a podcast.” – Rand)

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Multiple Perspectives in Photographs: Ireland Edition

Posted on
Feb 25, 2016
Posted in: Photos

My endless fascination with two people taking photos at the same time continues. In Ireland, as I was snapping photos, Wil was doing the same (albeit more competently, with an eye for composition and light and all those other things that photographers understand and I do not). Here’s my photo, taken on the side of…

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