The Blog

Museo Fallero, Valencia, Spain

Posted on
Sep 27, 2016
Posted in: Attractions, Museums

Do you remember when I told you about Las Fallas? The festival in Valencia where giant sculptures of plaster and wood are meticulously constructed over the course of a year, then rapidly burned down on one Bacchanalian night while crowds of drunken onlookers cheer?   Pyromania isn’t really my thing (I’m more self-destructive than outwardly…

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Writing a Memoir? Be Ready to Kill Your Darlings.

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Sep 16, 2016
Posted in: Book, Writing

Hi, friends! Remember me? I’m that lady who spends all her time blogging, unless she’s distracted by something shiny, at which point she forgets to blog for weeks and weeks and weeks. (Related: I just got a new necklace and it. is. shiny.) Oh, and also, I’ve been working on the book. That’s kept me…

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I Was Harassed on a Plane. Stop Asking What My Husband Was Doing.

Posted on
Aug 25, 2016
Posted in: Personal Essay

  On Monday, I wrote about an incident that happened to me on a recent international flight. A passenger became verbally abusive and physically intimidating because I reclined my seat. It terrified me, and the flight crew moved us, after the guy made it clear that if I reclined my seat again he would not stop tormenting…

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Bullying, Sexism, and Panic Attacks on Planes

Posted on
Aug 22, 2016

  It’s a little past six a.m. here in Seattle, but I’ve been up for more than three hours, trying to sleep, but inadvertently writing this post in my head. We returned from Scotland yesterday, connecting through London to Seattle – the last leg of the trip now so familiar to us, I know the…

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