The Blog

I Wore A Pink Bunny Suit in the Christmas Story House

Posted on
Dec 24, 2016
Posted in: Attractions, Museums

I know that a good story requires build-up before a big reveal, but I’ve never had the patience for that. While everyone else is sitting through the rising action, I’m screaming “GET TO THE CLIMAX,” which doesn’t always fly in the middle of a movie theater or wedding ceremony or bris. And so, breaking all…

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Time Keeps Passing.

Posted on
Dec 12, 2016
Posted in: Personal Essay

The thing about time is that it moves on, even if you aren’t ready to. My father died last week. While I remain stuck, trying to grasp that fact, the days keep passing. I still hadn’t processed the statement “My father died today” or “My father died yesterday” before the clock had rendered them obsolete.…

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I Wore a Hijab in Turkey. Here’s What It Was Like.

Posted on
Dec 6, 2016
Posted in: Random Musings

The most common question I get from women who found out I’ve been to Turkey is this: What did you wear?   The answer is pretty much exactly what I wear in the states: jeans (ones that manage to be too big everywhere except for the thighs, which are too tight) t-shirts (note: most of…

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My Book is Available for Pre-Order

Posted on
Nov 21, 2016
Posted in: Book, Site News

I wrote a book. It’s nearly 300 pages long, so every English teacher I ever had can seriously go suck it because I HAVE MET ALL THE MINIMUM WORD COUNT REQUIREMENTS. (Just kidding, English teachers. You made me who I am.) And it’s now available for pre-order on Amazon,, and Indiebound. Real, reputable websites…

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The Art Must Go On: Creating in Dark Times

Posted on
Nov 21, 2016
Posted in: Personal Essay

The question, after the election of Trump and his appointment of White Supremacists who are gleefully endorsed by the KKK is, simply, Now what?  This is a difficult question to answer if you’re an artist (and I use the term very, very loosely, and sometimes precede it with “sandwich,” so that it applies to me).…

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Turkey: First Impressions

Posted on
Nov 4, 2016

I’ve learned a funny thing about books. Even when I think I’m done with one, I’m not. This is true, I’ve found, of both the books I’ve read and the book I’ve written. A paragraph will haunt me. I’ll go back and dissect every word and comma, trying to understand the alchemy behind them, if there is…

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