The Blog

Superfluous Travel Item I Need (Kinda): Flybags 1-Quart Bag

Posted on
Aug 13, 2009
Posted in: S.T.I.N.K.s

I don’t like “making do”. I probably should be more flexible. It certainly would help me a lot in my travels. Life would be easier. Because as it stands, I’m not great at improvising. Luke would have froze to death on Hoth because of me. I am rambling, aren’t I? I blame it on the…

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Dick move, Knitting-needle Lady!

Posted on
Aug 12, 2009

A few months ago, we flew back from Boston (and boy were our arms tired! No … seriously. My bag was kinda heavy). During the flight, I noticed the woman in the window seat across the aisle from us looking frantically for something after the crew had come to pick up trash. She was upset,…

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Should we take a Liberty Helicopter tour in NYC?

Posted on
Aug 11, 2009
Posted in: Polls

Part of me thinks this is a no-brainer, but nevertheless, let’s chat about it, shall we? Some friends gave us a Liberty Helicopter tour gift certificate as a wedding gift. We’re heading to New York in Early October, and I was thinking about using it, until I heard about last weekend’s horrific crash. So now…

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The Best Lip Balms

Posted on
Aug 10, 2009

There may be something wrong with me. I’ve accepted this (and if you’re still reading my blog, you should have, too, by now). I just went through every lip balm I own, analyzing, scrutinizing, and testing them. Fortunately, my neurosis is your gain! Here are my suggestions/cautionary tales for balms, whether you have a have…

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The Week in Travel

Posted on
Aug 7, 2009

In travel news this week … The New York Times reported that most of us hate booking travel, and the web hasn’t really made the process any easier. While the internet has given us a wealth of fantastic content, including dancing Martin Van Buren and entire sites dedicated to the acting prowess of Dale Midkiff, it’s still really effing hard…

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To Mr. Hughes, with love.

Posted on
Aug 6, 2009
Posted in: Uncategorized

Not very long ago, my husband and I went to Chicago. It was at Oprah’s request, though we can’t really talk about it. Truth be told, we were iffy about going, and in the end, it came down to one question: Will we have time to go to the Chicago Art Musuem and see A…

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Ask the Everywhereist

Posted on
Aug 6, 2009

Dear Everywhereist, How did you decide that “Everywhereist” should be spelled “Everywhereist” and not “Everywherist”? Are you ever worried that people with Germanic tendencies will pronounce it “Everywhere-iced”? Also, what is the appropriate formula for computing how many pairs of shoes one should pack, given the length (in days) of one’s trip? If the desired…

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