The Blog

A letter to Hotel Deluxe, Portland, OR

Posted on
Sep 22, 2009
Posted in: Random Musings, WTF

Dear Hotel Deluxe, I like you guys. A lot. I’m smitten over the old movie stills and quotes that line the walls of your hotel. Just a few years ago, I went through a brief period where I refused to watch any movie made after 1955. This proved fairly challenging for my husband. It was the early days of…

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Dick Move, Petty Thieves of Belltown!

Posted on
Sep 21, 2009
Posted in: Dick Move

Dude. Duuuuuuuude. Seriously, I’m so effing angry/shocked/bemused, I’m having trouble writing this post. But I will write it. I MUST write it. Because, gentle reader(s), you must know about this Dick Move. Especially if you take road trips. Or go anywhere in your car. Remember how I said never to leave anything in your trunk?…

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The best piece of travel advice. Period.

Posted on
Sep 16, 2009
Posted in: Random Musings

On some level, I feel like I should apologize for this post. Because really, I’m in the sort of weird, ridiculously sappy euphoria that comes from being stupid in love. And no one wants to read that. At no time has a conflict between two people over who has cuter freckles ever been interesting to…

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Why I Travel: Reason #17

Posted on
Sep 8, 2009

Reason #17: It’s probably a bad idea if I’m left home alone. My husband travels. A lot. There are days when I forget where he’s gone. Someone will ask, and I’ll stare blankly for a few seconds, before answering, “Um … California?” I live terror of the idea that I’ll be involved in a car…

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The Uniform Project

Posted on
Sep 7, 2009
Posted in: Awesome

I’m a big advocate of social responsibility and activism. Especially if it somehow involves fashion. So I was blown away by The Uniform Project, a unique fundraiser disguised as an exercise in sustainable fashion. Confused? Fear not. It’s actually quite simple: This past spring, Sheena Matheiken vowed to wear the same dress every day for…

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Ork Neighborhood Posters

Posted on
Sep 4, 2009
Posted in: Awesome, Products

Because I would like to maintain a modicum of professionalism on my blog, I am using all my willpower to refrain from writing, “OMG OMG – I WANT ONE I WANT ONE I WANT ONE.” and having that be the entirety of this post. That being said, OMG. I want one: And now I bet…

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