The Blog

A Toddler in Turkey

Posted on
Apr 17, 2017

We went to Turkey with our friends and their toddler. This seems impossible now, six short months later. I suspect it will seem even more impossible in the coming years. But we went from Istanbul to Cappadocia, and he wandered in the dust and the sunshine. And he tried to eat my husband’s nose.   I…

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The Creepiness of the Basilica Cistern, Istanbul, Turkey

Posted on
Apr 9, 2017
Posted in: Attractions

Note: I’m currently in Japan this week, and it’s been a remarkable trip thus far. I need to take some time to tell you all about it, but right now I’m stuffing my face with rice balls and just delighting in how beautiful and clean everything is. So you’ll have to wait for my posts…

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Slip Sliding Away

Posted on
Mar 28, 2017

By the time we land in Seattle, I am tired of people asking about the contents of the plastic toolbox. Both Rand and I have carried it from my father’s tiny Bavarian village to Munich to Amsterdam and now home, each of us now acutely aware of how ill-suited a container it is for transportation.…

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Erasing Lines at The Hagia Sophia, Turkey

Posted on
Mar 27, 2017

Islamophobia has, understandably, been on my mind a lot lately. I’ve been watching as it slowly spreads across America – perhaps it’s always been around, just under the surface, but in recent months, with the election of our new President, it’s come to a rolling boil. He has villified Americans and foreigners alike, accused the…

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A New Look for the Blog

Posted on
Mar 21, 2017
Posted in: Site News

Long time readers of the blog (hello, weirdos! I love you!) will probably notice that things look a little different around here. I’ve just relaunched the blog, which was redesigned and built by the fantastic team at The Medium. If you’ve never had to redesign a blog, I’ll tell you truthfully: it’s normally not a…

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Unhelpful Charts for Writers

Posted on
Mar 21, 2017

While I initially started this post with the aim of creating helpful charts for writers, that was soon abandoned because I don’t really know what helpful advice I have to offer about writing, other than to maybe not be sober while doing it. (And that’s not even my advice – pretty sure that Hemingway came up…

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Galata Tower, Istanbul, Turkey

Posted on
Mar 16, 2017

I am not afraid of heights. This is notable, because I have historically been afraid of: a Boston Terrier, my coat (I woke up from a nap and freaked out because I thought it was a cat), and my own shadow (it caught me off guard. At the age of 36). So having a small…

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