The Blog

Dick Mo- … Oh, Honey, NO.

Posted on
Oct 27, 2009

I really wanted to write a Dick Move! post about the crazy gal we encountered in NYC’s Meat-Packing District, but in the end I just wanted to toss a sweater over her shoulders, tell her that she was better than this, and threaten to call her mother. Rand and I were wandering around the west…

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The New York High Line

Posted on
Oct 26, 2009
Posted in: City Guide

I am dying to tell you folks of all the magic that London has to offer (Sticky toffee pudding! Men who call you “Love”! Sticky toffee pudding! The best subway system EVER! Sticky toffee pudding! Bubble skirts that hide the huge thighs you’ve developed from eating too much … Sticky toffee pudding!) but I’d be doing…

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A little update …

Posted on
Oct 26, 2009
Posted in: Random Musings

Rand and I just got back from London last night, after the sort of trip that has you mentally packing up your apartment and shipping it off to the U.K., because YOU ARE NEVER GOING BACK HOME. But here we are, back in rainy cold Seattle, and I won’t lie, I’m a bit happy about…

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The Chelsea Modern Art Scene

Posted on
Oct 23, 2009
Posted in: City Guide, WTF

I can appreciate modern art. I won’t stand in front of a painting and discuss, seemingly to no end, the different elements of a painting, its composition, or what I thought the artist intended. But I will, on occassion, turn to my husband and say, “I like that.” And, often, he will reply with, “Me…

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Goog and The Coop, and other cultural enrichments

Posted on
Oct 22, 2009
Posted in: City Guide

The Guggenheim and the Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum on New York’s Upper East Side don’t seem to get as much love as other big players in NYC, like the Met and the MOMA. They also don’t have snazzy nicknames (I suspect these two observations are related). Rand and I tried coming up with some, but the…

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Because sometimes, we can all just get along.

Posted on
Oct 21, 2009

This post was originally about 4 different “Dick Moves!” but that was good for no one, and particularly not for my sense of love towards my fellow man. I was a bit down this afternoon, frustrated with the rude folks I’ve encountered while traveling, frustrated with myself for not handling things better. I felt burnt out…

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The loneliness of Roosevelt Island, Manhattan

Posted on
Oct 19, 2009
Posted in: Awesome, City Guide

I have a bit of a  love/hate relationship going on with New York. There are times when I truly believe (and could never be convinced otherwise) that it is the greatest city in the world, and everything beyond Manhattan is just one long suburb. Other times, when the girl at the Zabar’s breakfast counter forgets…

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10 things you absolutely must do in Oslo …

Posted on
Oct 16, 2009
Posted in: City Guide, Top Ten

and filing bankruptcy isn’t one of them! YUK YUK YUK! Err … sorry. Clearly the promise I made on Monday is getting to me, and I’m already starting to crack under pressure. And really, I shouldn’t be so hard on Norway for being so obscenely expensive. Because even though food and shopping are completely out…

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