The Blog

ABBA baby

Posted on
Nov 4, 2009

Something is going on. It might be a conspiracy. It might be a plot to control the minds of the young, all across the globe. Or maybe it’s just a catchy tune or three. But for reasons I can’t quite figure out, I keep encountering children who insist on celebrating ABBA‘s entire catalogue. It’s all…

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The Tower of London still rules. I promise.

Posted on
Nov 3, 2009

The Tower of London, and most specifically, its warders, have been in the news a lot lately. In 2007, the first woman, Moira Cameron, was appointed to the post of Yeoman Warder (a.k.a., Beefeater) at the Tower. The warders guide visitors around the Tower, and tend to its ravens (as it’s believed that should the ravens…

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The Camera Came Back

Posted on
Oct 30, 2009

Many months ago, I lost our camera. It absolutely sucked. We were coming back from Germany, and in my usual frenzy of documenting every damn thing I see, I had my camera out. I thought it was in my pocket when we deplaned, but it must have fallen out onto my seat, and the second…

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Conkers, or Why English Children are Sad.

Posted on
Oct 29, 2009

For the most part, I get the English. I really do. I know that we’re “two countries separated by a common langauge” (or something equally obnoixous and clever), but for the most part, I understand and am pretty familiar with English culture. My mom spent her childhood split between the U.K and Italy, and my…

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A sign we travel too much …

Posted on
Oct 28, 2009
Posted in: Random Musings

The Wednesday before leaving for London, I had dinner with a group of friends and colleagues. Afterwards, Rand and I were walking with our friend Natala to our respective cars. She and I were trying to figure out when we could meet up again, and we had this exchange: Natala: I’m going to California, but…

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