The Blog

Dear England: Your food needs PR.

Posted on
Nov 19, 2009

Branding is everything. Whenever anyone disputes this point, my husband brings up Altria. They saw a jump in investors when they stopped calling themselves Philip Morris. Altria sounds new and youthful. Philip Morris sounds like a hacking cough. So while I was impressed with some of the copywriting I saw in the U.K., as well…

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Superfluous Travel Item I Need (Kinda): Packing Cubes

Posted on
Nov 18, 2009
Posted in: S.T.I.N.K.s

This isn’t just about an item that I was convinced I needed – it’s about one that I actually bought. And holy cow, have they changed my life. No, really. Okay, fine – but they’ve changed the way I pack, and that’s a big part of my life. So there. I first became aware of…

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Hollaback, ladies.

Posted on
Nov 17, 2009

Cat-calling, I’ve found, is somewhat universal. At least, from my experiences it is (whether or not the Amhara of Djibouti experience this phenomenon is unknown to me). It varies a bit across countries, like sit-coms: the Italian ones are cheesy, the Americans are a bit vulgar, the English ones are kinda lame, and the German…

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Cheeky Copywriting Monkeys

Posted on
Nov 16, 2009

Ladies and Gentleman, when I’m not doing a half-assed job of recounting my trips across the world with my husband, I am (removes glasses a la Clark Kent) … A COPYWRITER!!! Okay, fine. So it’s not that exciting. I don’t pop into phonebooths and tear off my clothes at the first sign of trouble ……

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Brighton and Lily

Posted on
Nov 13, 2009

Children seem to like me. I don’t understand why. Half of the time, I don’t really know what to do with them. I have zero maternal instinct. I was the youngest in my family, and until Valeria came along when I was six, I was the youngest of all my cousins as well. I was…

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The Old Operating Theater Museum and Herb Garret

Posted on
Nov 12, 2009

The Old Operating Theater in London is the museum equivalent of peeling back a bandage on a skinned knee to see what’s underneath. It’s gross and icky but you can’t look away because it’s just so cool. (I am going to sit back for a minute and hope the rest of this blog post writes…

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Well, how did I get here?

Posted on
Nov 11, 2009
Posted in: Random Musings

You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack You may find yourself in another part of the world You may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile You may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife You may ask yourself: well… how did I get here? I know, I…

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Doppelgangers and travel …

Posted on
Nov 10, 2009
Posted in: Random Musings

They say that everyone has a twin somewhere out there. French photographer Francois Brunelle’s I’m not a look-alike project explores this concept, as he finds unrelated twins around the world and takes pictures of them together. I, personally, find it equal parts creepy and delightful. I haven’t had the pleasure of finding my own twin,…

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