The Blog

Just when I think I’m in …

Posted on
Dec 21, 2009
Posted in: Random Musings

… they pull me back out. Rand and I are down in California, visiting my crazy family and trying to relax. We got upgraded on our flight down, which certainly helped, but our experiences at the Alaska Board Room left me, well … ick. Apparently, Alaska Airlines charges an annual membership fee to use any of…

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Chicago by Day

Posted on
Dec 17, 2009

Last week, since Rand was busy with his conference (or “conference” as I used to put it before we were married, and I liked to kid that he had a secret family in some other city), I was able to wander up and down Magnificent Mile on my own. Determined not to sit in my…

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Chicago, Millennium Park at night

Posted on
Dec 16, 2009

When Rand and I flew into Chicago last week, it was frosty and freezing, and already dark. Those of you who know us realize that wasn’t an excuse to sit in our hotel room while a city waits (though I wouldn’t have entirely been against that. You hear me, Fishkin?). It was a freezing, quiet…

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The Only Commentary I Will Give on the Amanda Knox Case

Posted on
Dec 15, 2009
Posted in: Random Musings

I am going to be as diplomatic and non-judgemental as I can in this post. Which, knowing me, isn’t really all that much. In recent weeks, Washington newspapers have been jam-packed with news of the Amanda Knox case – of the 22-year-old University of Washington student convicted of killing her British roommate while both were…

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Travel advice for visiting families

Posted on
Dec 14, 2009
Posted in: Advice

Dear, dear, well-meaning friends, I assume many of you will be traveling this holiday season, off to see older relatives and parents who are part of a generation that, due to fear of war, famine, or Commie takeover, have decided to never thrown anything away. While you are visiting these relatives, cautiously maneuvering through their…

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The Signature Room

Posted on
Dec 11, 2009

When I told a few friends we were going to Chicago, the suggestion that kept popping up was The Signature Room on the 95th floor of the John Hancock Center. The top of the Hancock Center has amazing views, and you can either go up to the observation deck (at a minimum admission price of…

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You know what, Stuart? I like you.

Posted on
Dec 10, 2009

There are times when I miss having a nine-to-five job. Those moments are fleeting – like those rare occassions during summer vacation when you begin to long for school. They vanish almost as soon as they appear, as you tell yourself to enjoy the now, because this seemingly endless vacation of staying up late and…

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Freezing cold, but home.

Posted on
Dec 10, 2009
Posted in: Random Musings

I am back. I didn’t manage to get a post up yesterday (for the first time in quite a while) since I had a bit of a whirlwind day in Chicago. And by “whirlwind” I mean “extravagant shopping”. That’s right, faithful reader(s): I sold you out for an incredibly cute cropped black leather jacket that…

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The Subway: A play in three acts

Posted on
Dec 8, 2009
Posted in: Random Musings

Prologue: I live in Seattle, a town that, despite its growing size, is seriously lacking in the public transportation department. The absurdity of it almost sounds invented: we actually have an underground dug out already (a result of some serious city planning mistakes made a hundred or so years ago). Rumor has it that decades…

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