The Blog

Los Angeles: City of … no way … hope?

Posted on
Jan 12, 2010

The first time I landed in LAX, I was 14. I was spending a few days with my brother, who was a freshman in college at USC. I remember gawking at the layer of smog and the sprawling, bleached-out landscape. When I got off the plane, my brother, for possibly the first and last time…

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10 travel resolutions and predictions for 2010

Posted on
Jan 11, 2010
Posted in: Random Musings

My friend Rachel took the above photo on New Year’s Eve. She was running short on glasses, so we had to write our names on our disposable cups. Rand followed suit, even though he had an actual glass. When simple directions elude you, it’s time to stop drinking. But that is not the moral of…

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Just when you think you’re out …

Posted on
Jan 8, 2010
Posted in: Random Musings

your flight gets canceled … or redirected to Madrid. I have to say, and I realize I’m tempting fate just by putting these words to print, we’ve been really lucky when it comes to delays, cancellations, and sitting on the tarmac for hours on end. Unfortunately, as of late our friends have not been so…

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Words of wisdom for traveling with children …

Posted on
Jan 8, 2010

I don’t have kids. I won’t insult anyone who does have children by pretending I understand what it’s like to have a child. I can only assume that it’s unbearable. Not that it isn’t wonderful and amazing and all, but just that loving someone so entirely and completely must be kind of exhausting and all-consuming…

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No permission slip required

Posted on
Jan 7, 2010
Posted in: Random Musings

You may have heard that spending time with someone from your youth will cause you to behave in much the same way you did when you two were close friends. If it’s a high school friend, you’ll act like high schoolers when you’re together, and the same is true of middle school and elementary school.…

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Los Angeles, tar pits, and old friends.

Posted on
Jan 6, 2010

A long, long time ago, when god was a boy, I went to school with a girl named Katie Cohen. We made interesting style choices, in line with the fashion of the mid-90s. Here is evidence of that: –   And while I feel I should apologize to Katie for putting these photos up, she uploaded them to…

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The War

Posted on
Jan 4, 2010

This past Christmas, I was down in California, on the front lines of the ongoing war that takes place amongst my family members. It’s been happening for years, punctuated by little battles every time enough of us get together. We’re all participants, though many of us don’t know it. We become casualties as a result…

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Remember me?

Posted on
Dec 28, 2009
Posted in: Random Musings

Okay, so it might be that I had completely intended to let you know about my holiday hiatus, before just, you know, taking it and not saying a damn thing. Honestly, I’m surprised more of you weren’t worried about me. I could have fallen in a tryptophan-induced coma and none of you would have noticed.…

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