The Blog

Lost in Translation: Play Reviews

Posted on
Jan 27, 2010

A few months ago, we went to London so Rand could get some work done, and I could roam around the city and do fuck-all. My life is good. Our lovely friend Ben was with us, as he works with Rand, and their London colleagues needed him to reach things on the top shelf. No,…

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10 things to do when you’re sick … and traveling.

Posted on
Jan 26, 2010
Posted in: Advice, Top Ten

I’m still kicking the last of my cold, and while I’m completely exhausted, I’ve discovered that even 2 nights of taking NyQuil is enough to create dependency. As such, I couldn’t sleep last night, trying to figure out if one could become a meth-addict just by taking too much Sudafed. While I have no definitive…

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Superfluous Travel Item I Need Kinda: A GUN?! WTF.

Posted on
Jan 25, 2010
Posted in: S.T.I.N.K.s, WTF

I kind of hate Cory Doctorow. Like that one kid I can’t stand but keep seeing at parties, I can’t remember why I hate him, but I’m sure I have a good reason. For a while, I thought my animosity stemmed from some run-in he had with my hubby during which he wasn’t polite to…

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My friends rule …

Posted on
Jan 22, 2010

I, however, am still sick. Despite spending much of the week on the couch (and offering up some pretty lackluster posts to show for it), I’m still not feeling 100%. I promise to be back next week with my same level of snark and general angst to which you’ve grown accustom, but today, I just…

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Damn right, it’s a table for one.

Posted on
Jan 21, 2010

I just read the dumbest article on Yahoo! Shine. Of course, given that I was actually reading an article on Yahoo! Shine, I suppose I deserved the ensuing assault on my intellect. You can read the entire article here. But I wouldn’t, as I had to use a great deal of willpower to not jab…

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No post today …

Posted on
Jan 18, 2010
Posted in: Rants and Raves

Happy MLK Day, folks. I’m sick, so I’m curling up on the couch with a bowl of soup and staring out my window at the first almost-sunny day Seattle’s had in a long time. Weak. Hopefully you’ll hear from me tomorrow.

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