We’re kind of a big deal … in Japan.
It’s the Tuesday after the Superbowl. It is a day that holds a special place in my heart. Because on the Tuesday after the Superbowl, 2007, this happened: –
It’s the Tuesday after the Superbowl. It is a day that holds a special place in my heart. Because on the Tuesday after the Superbowl, 2007, this happened: –
Dear Friends, As Valentine’s Day approaches, I am filled with the spirit of the holiday, as well as roughly 2 pounds of those chalky little conversations hearts. Consequently, I feel the need to share with you a secret: maybe I don’t hate Rick Steves all that much. In fact, maybe I love him just a…
I hate to phone it in with a “wrap-up the week” post, but since absolutely everyone else does it, and I’m leaving for Great Britain next week, I figure you’ll forgive me. Besides, this week was kind of nifty. First off, Congrats to my hubby’s colleagues at Distilled, for the opening of their new U.S.-based…
The other day we were hanging out with some friends – some American, some not, and we realized that none of us were really sure what countries are included in the phrase “United Kingdom”. Nor did we know what’s a part of “Great Britain.” England, we pretty much figured out (they’re those wussy guys who…
The other day, Rand and I were talking about our upcoming trip to Scotland, and we had the following exchange: Rand: What do you want to do in Glasgow? Me: Catch a leprechaun. Rand: (sighs heavily) Honey … Me: What? Rand: Where are leprechauns from? Me: … it’s funny that you decided to go with…
Originally an east-coaster, my husband maintains that Seattle is a pretty easy town in which to make a good impression. We tell each other snobbish little jokes on the topic all the time … Me: If you want to be the best-dressed person in a Seattle bar, what should you wear? Rand: What? Me: Your…
So, my hubby described my post yesterday as “provocative.” I disagreed, and there might have been some jumping up and down to emphasize my point. But while my intention had been to give shout-outs to the awesome bloggers, I think there was too much focus on my part on the negative side of of things…
I’m am licking some wounds. Not literally, of course. Though I sometimes bite the sides of my fingers. But my feelings have been hurt. I’ve been slighted by a few people in the “travel blogging industry.” I suppose it’s not a big deal, and I suppose it shouldn’t matter. Perhaps the funniest thing of all…