The Blog

The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Posted on
Jun 14, 2017
Posted in: Attractions, Museums

I broke my long-held rule about not taking photos of artwork while at The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. I don’t know if my views on the matter have changed or not. Perhaps they’ve shifted only slightly. I still get angry at people using flashes to light up ancient works, I still want to scream at the…

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Melancholy and the Infinite Skies of Santa Fe

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Jun 1, 2017

I thought Santa Fe was beautiful. Rand had been wanting to visit for years, had built it up in his mind so much that he had already asked me if I wanted to move there before we’d even set foot on the ground. He’d idealized so much that reality had trouble living up to what…

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How to Explain Trump While Traveling Abroad

Posted on
May 9, 2017

Being an American on the road, you often become an ambassador of sorts for your country and culture, and I find myself answering a lot of questions from friends, family, and the occasional well-meaning stranger about the U.S. And while these questions usually run the gamut from pop to culture (No, I don’t know why…

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My Book is Officially Out in the World.

Posted on
May 3, 2017
Posted in: Book, Site News

My book came out yesterday. It is out there floating in the world, while I sit at home in my pjs eating cake and repeating the words “I am an author” to myself over and over again. To be fair, I have been doing this weekly since I was 8, but now it carries with…

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