The Blog

Dear Flickr: You lie.

Posted on
Apr 27, 2010

We’ve already established that the double-L in Icelandic actually makes a “t-l-l” sound, so it seems unreasonable that Flickr would make this claim … – Sorry, Flickr. But I actually don’t even know what half of those characters are. So saying I now know how to greet people in Icelandic is far-fetched, to say the…

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The Week in Travel: April 23, 2010

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Apr 23, 2010

My computer, perhaps taking a cue from me, is being slower than usual. So if this post ends up being a short one, it’s because I became utterly fed-up and consoled myself with a box of Trader Joe’s chocolate covered raisins. I have excellent coping skills. Also, I realized that most of what I’m writing…

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A Thursday Pop Quiz: Scottish edition!

Posted on
Apr 22, 2010
Posted in: Awesome, Polls

While traveling in Scotland, I saw this ad on a bus, and laughed my ass off for 10 minutes (I still have plenty of ass left. Don’t worry): – Which, of course, prompted this exchange … Me: It makes total sense that they’d glorify their own countrymen over American actors. I mean, it’s not like…

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The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC

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Apr 21, 2010

Convinced I haven’t alienated all of my god-fearing readers with this post, I’ve decided to run the rest off by writing about my visit to The Cathedral of St. John the Divine on New York’s Upper West Side. Prior to visiting the cathedral, my only familiarity with St. John the Divine was as the preferred…

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Crossed paths and missed connections …

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Apr 20, 2010

A friend of my cousin’s once told me a story about something that happened to him while traveling. He had grown up in Switzerland when he was very young, moving to Italy when he was about 7 or 8. Later, he moved to the U.S., and he currently lives in Florida. Several years ago, he…

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Last Week in Review: April 16, 2010

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Apr 19, 2010

Last week brought sad news, happy news, and the comforting realization that I am not the most offensive person on the internet. Not that I thought I was, or anything … Poland is in mourning after President Lech Kaczynski and numerous other governmental officials died in a plane crash. They were heading to Russia for…

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