The Blog

Dinner at La Esquina, NYC

Posted on
May 11, 2010

In the travel world, certain places have an air of exclusivity. You can’t simply sign up for a tour or call up for a reservation. They are open only to the wealthy and connected. Needless to say, I am neither of those things. So I generally dislike places that are shared secrets among people in…

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Be a Guest Blogger.

Posted on
May 10, 2010
Posted in: Guest Posts

I am excited. Because recent events may have elevated me from a jobless, slacker owner of a blog, to a jobless, slacker owner of a blog that features guest bloggers. This is sooo going to make me the talk of the unemployment office. As some of you may have seen me mention on the blog,…

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The Week in Travel: May 7, 2010

Posted on
May 7, 2010

I should note, as I usually do at the beginning of a month, how I can’t believe it’s x date already, and that my youth is passing me by faster than I would care to notice, etc, etc. But you don’t want to hear about that, do you? No. Listening to 29-year-olds weep about wasted…

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Dick Move, cell-phone lady.

Posted on
May 7, 2010

I can’t actually believe I had to write this post. I think that what I’m about to say falls firmly within the bounds of obvious human decency and etiquette. I feel that it’s something everyone one should already know – like how we shouldn’t shake babies nor pick our noses while performing surgery on someone.…

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10 ways to make your next flight more productive …

Posted on
May 6, 2010
Posted in: Air Travel, Top Ten

The hubby and I spend a lot of time on planes. Sometimes, it’s only a two- or three-hour flight, which doesn’t seem like that much time wasted. But on other trips we might spend more than half-a-day in transit. Time we won’t get back. Time that he didn’t have to waste in the first place.…

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Superfluous Travel Item I Need (Kinda): Talcum Powder

Posted on
May 4, 2010
Posted in: Advice, S.T.I.N.K.s

– I was stuck this morning. Absolutely stuck. It’s yet another sunny day in San Francisco, my cold is almost gone, and I’m not letting myself enjoy this crazy city until I get a post up. Ill-advised, perhaps, but also noble. Which just my be my personal motto. Second only to, “If it’s fried, I’ll…

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You can’t fight city hall … or the TSA

Posted on
May 3, 2010

– I could have easily turned this post into a Dick Move!, but that’s pretty much a given when the TSA is involved. It seems there’s no point in even complaining about them any more. Though they supposedly serve the people, they’re not accountable to the people. It puts them on par with the IRS,…

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The Week In Travel: April 30, 2010

Posted on
Apr 30, 2010

Blerg. This marks day three of being sick, and if the blog’s been a little slow lately, it’s because I’ve been even slower. To add insult to injury, my computer also decided to get sick, and is now at my hubby’s office, undergoing a thorough examination. I hope for a speedy recover for both it…

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