The Blog

The one tip childless couples need to surviving the summer season.

Posted on
May 25, 2010
Posted in: Advice, Top Ten

It’s nearly summer again, folks. And we’re experiencing a bit of a baby boom in our little social group, as friend after friend is either expecting or taking care of a brand-new baby. I’m not gonna lie: I think it’s awesome. I’m already affectionately known as “Crazy Aunt Geraldine.” And that makes me incredibly happy.…

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The Week in Travel: March 21, 2010

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May 21, 2010

I am in a great mood this morning. A stupidly-happy, wonderful mood. Because yesterday, Rand came home. And if you read Thursday’s post about my sleepless nights without my hubby, you know what this means – that last night, I slept EIGHT AND A HALF FULL HOURS. It was awesome. So, TGIF. And TGRH (Thank…

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The Week in Travel: May 14, 2010

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May 14, 2010

If there is a wrong side of the bed, I certainly woke up on it. I’m not entirely sure how this happened, since I always wake up on the same side of the bed, which, incidentally, is on the right. And despite that, it is, more often that I would like, the wrong side. Sigh.…

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The 12 Items of Clothing I Always Pack.

Posted on
May 13, 2010

Someone recently asked me for some tips on fun, travel-worthy outfits to wear on planes. That incredibly elusive combination of stylish and comfortable. And I won’t lie: that is a very, very difficult balance to achieve, but I’d like to think that maybe, just maybe, I’m on my way there. I’ll tell you now –…

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Restaurant Round-Up: NYC, Spring 2010

Posted on
May 12, 2010

I keep trying to figure out exactly how to write about all the restaurants we visit in a city. New York seems particularly overwhelming, because every place you look up seems to have a few hundred reviews on Yelp. Everything consequently averages out to about 3 stars. It is, in short, impossible to know where…

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