The Blog

The week in travel: September 10, 2010

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Sep 10, 2010

It’s my first Friday after turning 30, and you know what? 30 is friggin awesome. I am absolutely loving every single damn second of it. Are there downsides? Well, I’m sure there must be … I mean, I haven’t personally encountered too many yet (except that I’m now in my 30s, and for some reason…

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30 things I haven’t outgrown on my 30th birthday

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Sep 7, 2010

It’s the morning of my 30th birthday, which technically started last night in a crazed dash to Fremont, that may have included climbing on the troll statue. I would like to thank our always up-for-anything friend Lauren who expressed absolutely no hesistation when we suggested we run out to drink vodka and take photos in the middle…

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The week in travel: September 3, 2010

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Sep 3, 2010

It’s September. And, I just realized as I typed the title of this blog entry, my rent is late. Sigh. Seattle is trying – however pathetically – to cling to the last few days of summer. It’s not really working. For the record, even I, the girl who loves wearing a sundress more than ANYTHING,…

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Getting to the Presidio: Part 2

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Sep 1, 2010

Today’s post is the “exciting” continuation of my attempts to get to the Presidio, which I first wrote about yesterday. Enjoy! After the complete and colossal meltdown of that morning, and a realistic assessment of the poor parenting I provided for my imaginary children, I was able to pull it together a bit. A sushi…

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Getting to the Presidio: Part 1

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Aug 31, 2010

I have, on occasion, been known to get a idea stuck in my head, and no matter how crazy, random, scientifically inaccurate, or illogical, I cannot seem to shake it. I once claimed China was an island (thank you, American school systems!). I am convinced, to this day, that Duran Duran sings Mysterious Ways. I…

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12 of the ugliest comfort shoes, ever

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Aug 30, 2010

In my constant search for comfortable travel shoes, I am amazed by the number of heinously ugly options out there. If these shoes were horses, they would be shot, immediately. I once thought that I was immune to such ugliness. When searching for comfortable shoes online, there were so many options, I’d simply skip over…

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