The Blog

The week in travel: October 22, 2010

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Oct 22, 2010

The world is a small place. A teeny tiny, ridiculously small place. You will find, on this great big planet of ours, that you really can’t swing a dead cat without bumping into someone you know. That’s big the big lesson of the week. A week full of chance meetings with friends and loved ones,…

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24 minutes in Oakland and Cottage Grove, OR

Posted on
Oct 21, 2010

My husband is a very safe driver. But sometimes, it is incredibly dangerous for him to be behind the wheel. He won’t cut people off. He won’t speed excessively. He’s considerate in most every way. But sometimes, the amount of control he has over where we will end up (bequeathed on him by his default…

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The week in travel: Oct. 15, 2010

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Oct 15, 2010

Seattle’s been inexplicably sunny this past week – so much so, that I actually started to forget what fall was like in this part of the country. For the record, it’s usually gray up here this time of year. But instead it’s been sunny and cool, and downright gorgeous. Hopefully all this fantastic weather is…

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WTF Wednesday: GAH! Hide your children.

Posted on
Oct 13, 2010
Posted in: WTF

I have a lot of friends who make white van jokes. I mean, we all do, don’t we? Laugh about the nondescript white van that’s lurking around our neighborhood, though in the back of our minds we keep an eye on it, because if some kid disappears, it’s the first thing we’re telling the police.…

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The Rogue Creamery

Posted on
Oct 12, 2010

I love cheese. Were it not for cheese (and my first love, cake) I would be thin. It’s something I always tell people. And it’s true I think, were also not for pasta and carbohydrates and other things. But right now, let’s blame the cheese. The wonderful, glorious cheese. When Rand and I were in…

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The Oregon Vortex and House of Mystery

Posted on
Oct 11, 2010

… is kind of lame. There. I said it. Sigh. Here’s the thing: I love kitsch. I love dorkiness. I love things that would make other people cringe with embarrassment, roll their eyes, and otherwise want to storm out of the theater/museum/restaurant. It brings me such gleeful joy. Like children on leashes and chocolate cigarettes,…

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The week in travel: October 8, 2010

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Oct 8, 2010

I woke up this morning with absolutely no clue where I was. I had yet to open my eyes, but as I lay in bed, a dozen or so thoughts flashed through my brain, and among them, “Are we in California? No … that’s not right … and not New York. What time zone is…

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