The Blog

Google Search Autocomplete: I fear for humanity

Posted on
Nov 10, 2010
Posted in: Awesome, WTF

It’s been a bit serious here on the blog over the last few days, and it seems a bit of levity is in order. After all, it can all be nudity and violation of inner sanctums, can it? No, no. Sometimes we need to throw a bit of idiocy into the mix, too. I was…

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The week in travel: Nov. 5, 2010

Posted on
Nov 5, 2010

Happy Guy Fawkes Day, kids. In celebration of today, I strongly suggest you do not take it upon yourselves to overthrow any existing governments, because frankly, that sounds like a lot of work, and, well, it’s Friday. Even a Funemployed girl like myself understands the importance of a Friday. Besides, if you’re like me (and…

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The Old South Meeting House (and the Real Tea Party)

Posted on
Nov 3, 2010

It’s 6am, and I’m wide awake. I have been for an hour. This is the downside of travel – jet-lag that strikes almost randomly – gone one day, here the next, leaving you with the almost beyond-human superpower of waking up before dawn without an alarm. Without so much as a yawn. (Except just now…

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Boston: a random walk, while sedated

Posted on
Nov 2, 2010

Hi. Remember me? I’ve been off the radar, somewhat unintentionally, for the last week and a half. My apologies about that. During that time, I visited every state in the tri-state area (which I’m going to pretend is an accomplishment), got lost in London and robbed in Bulgaria (okay, fine – we weren’t robbed. We…

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The permanence of family

Posted on
Oct 25, 2010
Posted in: Random Musings

When you’re a kid, familial roles seems permanent and immutable. You are one of the children, though you don’t necessarily regard yourself as such. The definition you carry is far less important than the one you’ve designated to others. Parents and aunts and uncles – these make up the grown-ups. They are caregivers and disciplinarians,…

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