The Blog

My experience with the new TSA screenings

Posted on
Nov 22, 2010

When I was 15, I had my first boyfriend. On our first date, he took me out to dinner; we had pasta alfredo and milkshakes. It was quite sweet. We occasionally watched movies together, and while I’m sure even he will admit that while he was far (and I mean faaaaar) from being a gentleman,…

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The week in travel: November 18, 2010

Posted on
Nov 19, 2010

The blog’s been a little slow this week, folks, and my apologies for that. I blame the Seattle weather, which currently resembles the inside of my washer when the cycle is set to “cold”. And apparently this weekend is about to get even colder, with snow in the forecast. Please excuse me while I hide…

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TSA X-ray pics too racy for Facebook

Posted on
Nov 18, 2010

Earlier this week, I started the Facebook Group Say No to Full-Body Airport Scanners. I found this picture online, and decided to use it as the group’s profile pic. Since the image seemed a bit too revealing, I added some black bars … – A while later, someone informed me that the pic was a…

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WTF Wednesday: My family is trying to kill me.

Posted on
Nov 17, 2010
Posted in: Random Musings, WTF

I love my family. And I’m fairly convinced that at least some of them love me. Nevertheless, it seems that several of them are trying to kill me, or, at the very least, trying to ensure that I will get so hopelessly lost that I will never, ever be able to find my way home.…

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Salem, MA: Home of the Witch Trials

Posted on
Nov 16, 2010

– Ah, folks, it’s that time of year again … the leaves are changing, there’s a chill in the air, and one of my favorite holidays is just around the corner. So what better way to start your Halloween festivities that to talk about the spookiness of Salem, Massachusetts? Wait, what? It’s November? Halloween was…

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Passports with a Purpose and The SageCliffe Resort

Posted on
Nov 15, 2010
Posted in: Attractions

My site is usually full of many angry, cuss-filled rants about travel. Occasionally, though, I am lucky enough to write about good things as they pertain to the travel community. Today is one of those days, and frankly, this news warms the brittle lump of coal that is my heart. I was recently asked to…

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Posted on
Nov 15, 2010

Folks, I have news. Crazy exciting news. Well, perhaps not crazy, but exciting nevertheless. I mean, I hope you will find it exciting … GOD, can I do anything without rambling? Evidently not. Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah – the news. I’ve started a new blog all about copywriting.  I wanted a place to…

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The Week in Travel: November 11, 2010

Posted on
Nov 12, 2010

This was my first full week at home in ages, and I got to do all the things one dreams about while on the road: cooking elaborate meals in your own kitchen. Picking out clothing from a seemingly endless selection. Driving places and knowing exactly where you’re going. I suppose it’s not that big a…

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10 photos from our trip to Boston

Posted on
Nov 11, 2010
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

I am a ball of frenetic energy this morning, folks (note to self: stop snorting Pixie Stix. Really). So I hope you’ll forgive me if I can’t sit down long enough to type a coherent post, but instead I offer you pictures! Lots of pictures! 1. Union Oyster House at night. – 2. Ask not…

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