The Blog

The Barnes Museum

Posted on
Dec 13, 2010
Posted in: Attractions

The rich are different from you and I. They have more art. (They also have smaller dogs, but this is a post about art). When Rand’s grandparents made us an appointment to visit the Barnes Museum outside of Philadelphia  few months back, I had a vision in my head of walking into a crazy person’s…

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10 pics from our New York Trip

Posted on
Dec 7, 2010
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

Perhaps I’ve been to one-too-many museums, and that’s the reason why this next group of photos is a weensy bit artsy. Not artistic mind you, but artsy. The difference? One rhymes with fartsy. Rockerfeller Center (I think. I sometimes don’t pay proper attention to these things). Wardrobe malfunction, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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New friend, New York

Posted on
Dec 6, 2010
Posted in: Random Musings

There are people in your life who you never remember meeting. You’ve just always known them. – For Rand, that person is Kim. They’ve been friends pretty much since they’ve existed. –

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An absolutely pleasant non-dramatic day in NYC

Posted on
Dec 2, 2010

Some days in New York do not come together well. I may get lost. I’ll take the wrong subway, or I won’t be able to get a cab. I’ll arrive at my destination late, hungry, and angry. And some days, things just fall into place. Not perfectly, mind you. I might end up slightly late…

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The Maritime Hotel, Chelsea, New York

Posted on
Dec 1, 2010
Posted in: City Guide, Hotels

Yes, I am finally writing about something other than the TSA. <THUMP> Wait, was that the sound of you passing out from shock? I thought so. But yes, it’s true: I’m way, way, waaaaay overdue in blogging about our trip to New York last month. (Not to mention our subsequent trips to London and Bulgaria.…

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10 pictures from Seattle’s snOMG storm.

Posted on
Nov 29, 2010

Last week, it snowed in Seattle. It’s not a common occurrence here. We are accustomed to our precipitation in a more thawed form. The city is simply unequipped to handle it – we have a serious shortage of both snow plows and common sense (this year city officials made the brilliant move of using a…

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