The Blog

10 photos from our San Diego, CA trip

Posted on
Jan 4, 2011
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

I am sick. Like, wrapped up in a promotional Snuggie given to me after one of my husband’s speaking gigs sick. Like, contemplating which TV show to watch that won’t include too much conflict or plot development, because my NyQuil-addled brain won’t be able to follow it sick. I need to go back to bed.…

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My family is nuts: the Christmas edition

Posted on
Jan 3, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

I have much to tell you. There are still trips from 2010 that I have yet to blog about. And photos of things that you absolutely must see. There are Dick Moves!, and museum exhibits, and taco stands that deserve mention. Also, Stevie Wonder and former President Clinton might have made cameos. All in all?…

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The week in travel: Dec. 24, 2010

Posted on
Dec 24, 2010

It’s been a quiet week here at the blog. I only got one post up, despite having several more in the pipeline. I literally couldn’t be bothered to hit “publish” with all the craziness of this week, and I figured most of you are already in gingerbread-induced comas, and probably don’t have time to read what…

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Ai Wei Wei, sunflower seeds, and the Tate Modern

Posted on
Dec 20, 2010

I am not an art critic. Don’t get me wrong: I’m massively critical. Of like, everything. And I love visiting galleries and museums. But art critic? That sounds like nearly as douchey a profession as music critic. Perhaps more so, because, for the most part, music is supposed to be enjoyable. Art doesn’t necessarily have…

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The week in travel: Dec. 17, 2010

Posted on
Dec 17, 2010

Folks, I am rejoicing, because my Christmas/Hanukkah shopping is DONE (ignore how long ago Hanukkah was). I now am devoting my time to other things I can panic about, like how I’m going to pack/ship all of these gifts to their intended destinations in time. While I go navigate the sixth circle of hell that…

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Shakespeare’s Globe Theater in London

Posted on
Dec 16, 2010

Hello. My name is Geraldine, and I am a drama geek. It’s been nearly a month since my last play. I’m handling it okay, but I really, really want to see a show. I’ll take whatever you’ve got: off-off-off-broadway, improv, even a secular “winter concert” at an elementary school. SOMETHING. Anything. Over the years, I’m…

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10 somewhat naughty pics from our London trip

Posted on
Dec 15, 2010
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

I thought I’d continue with my U.K.-lovefest and present 10 photos from our last trip to London, in which we roamed around, ate dessert, and made juvenile jokes about the human anatomy. Which, if you’ve been paying attention, isn’t all that different from what we do at home. Long-necked giraffe, Giraffe Cafe, London.– – Checking…

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WTF Wednesday: Union Square “Holiday” decorations

Posted on
Dec 15, 2010
Posted in: Local Color, WTF

Dear San Francisco, I love you. I really do. Despite the fact that, at different times over the course of my visits to you, your residents have robbed me blind, pressed me for money, nearly spat on me, and expressed their dementia through screaming in my general direction, I still find you endearing. Your parks…

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London calling

Posted on
Dec 14, 2010
Posted in: Random Musings

I should warn you right now: I am feeling miserably sentimental. Seriously – my brain is a squishy pile of emotional goo right now. I can’t quite identify the source. But going through my photos from our London trip, I am finding myself with the overwhelming desire to pack up my bag and hop on…

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