The Blog

Adventures in British Copywriting (Guest Post by Lara!)

Posted on
Jan 17, 2011
Posted in: Guest Posts

Today’s guest post (the very first one of 2011) is by Lara, the enormously talented blogatrix behind Food Soil Thread. Not only is Lara a fellow Pacific Northwest gal, she has a preoccupation with food and travel, and regularly embarrasses her family by taking photographs of nearly every thing they eat. In other words, we…

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The Week: Jan. 14, 2011

Posted on
Jan 14, 2011

2011, thus far, is full of contradictions. I don’t know what to make of it. A dozen days in, and every five minutes, I change my opinion on what the year will be like. Thus far, it’s been punctuated by crappy moments – of both the national-newsworthy and the incredibly-personal variety. I just found out…

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Bulgaria, and Paris

Posted on
Jan 12, 2011

I would be remiss if I wrote about Bulgaria and didn’t mention Paris. – Um, no. Not that Paris. Try again. – Yup. That’s him. I didn’t actually ask him whether or not I could use his photo on the blog, so I figured I’d give him a mustache, making him slightly harder to identify.…

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WTF Wednesday: the dogs of Sofia

Posted on
Jan 12, 2011
Posted in: City Guide, WTF

I forgot to note something in my last post about Bulgaria. I discussed the good and the bad, but I seemed to have skipped over something. Namely, the weird. Because one of the strangest, and most disconcerting things about Sofia was the packs of wild dogs that roam through the city. YEAH. I bet you…

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Bulgaria: the jury is still out

Posted on
Jan 12, 2011

I tend to make rash decisions. And once I’ve made up my mind about something, there’s no changing it. There are certain things that I loathe, and even though I might have forgotten why I loathe them, I continue to do so. Because my mind has been made up. There’s little indifference in my world.…

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2010 resolutions, revisited.

Posted on
Jan 10, 2011

2011, it seems, is hell bent on keeping me from getting stuff done. Last week I was waylaid by a wicked cold. I was determined to catch up this weekend, posting like a mad woman, but the internet has been down for the last 24 hours. I know that doesn’t sound like a long time,…

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The Week: Jan. 7, 2011

Posted on
Jan 7, 2011

Folks, I am still trying to shake a wicked cold that has been with me for pretty much the entirety of 2011. For those who may have contracted this heinous, heinous illness from me, I am sincerely sorry. Rand told me that once you start feeling symptoms, you are no longer contagious. I have no…

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WTF Wednesday: Coolest Mailman Ever.

Posted on
Jan 5, 2011
Posted in: Awesome, WTF

Southern California is a different world. There are those who are compelled to tell you otherwise. They claim that SoCal is not only part of our planet, but part of our country. This is patently untrue. After all, the laws of my country are clear.  Marijuana is illegal; llamas do not have right of way;…

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