The Blog

Why Seattlites Love Portlandia

Posted on
Jan 27, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

A few nights ago, my husband and I – both lifelong Seattlites, decided to watch the premiere of Portlandia. The sketch-comedy show, filmed in Portland, features characters based on the city’s archetypal residents, and stars SNL‘s Fred Armisen, and Carrie Brownstein, formerly of Sleater-Kinney. We enjoyed it. A lot. Perhaps a little too much. At…

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Getting to downtown Sofia: Part 2

Posted on
Jan 26, 2011

I feel like, in my honest account of Sofia, I’ve been a bit hard on the town. This was not my intention. But whenever a tourist walks through a city, the town is laid bare: all of the good and bad it has to offer can be seen. The locals simply shrug off the negative…

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Getting to downtown Sofia: Part 1

Posted on
Jan 25, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

In the wake of last week’s treatise about honestly, I feel I should be truthful about a few more things: The other day, I was eating what I thought were toffee peanuts (as the bag suggested). Instead, I found myself noshing on a few toffee peanuts, but mostly clumps of weirdly un-homogenous toffee-like particles that…

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Museo de Jamon (and other oddities) – Guest post by Nicole!

Posted on
Jan 24, 2011

– Today’s guest post is by the lovely and talented Nicole, a blogger, freelance writer, and photographer currently living in Spain. Her geographic distance is a bummer: if she lived closer, I’m sure we’d instantly be BFFs, necessitating that we buy t-shirts with both our faces screen-printed on them, and wear them EVERYWHERE. Sadly, her being…

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The Week: January 21, 2011

Posted on
Jan 21, 2011

I am still in my pajamas. This isn’t that heinous a sin, considering that I “work” from home, but the truth is, I’ve spent far, FAR too much of this week in my pajamas (also, is it still “work” if you make no money? Ponder that). When tossing on a pair of yoga pants counts…

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Lost in Translation: A Facebook Play

Posted on
Jan 20, 2011

Recently, I posted something to Facebook. Despite appearances to the contrary, I really was thinking in general terms, and not a specific person. Here was my status: Okay, fine, maybe, just maybe, I was referring to someone I know. Still, I regret nothing. I am resentful and vindictive. This should not come as a surprise.…

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WTF Wednesday: The Seattle Gum Wall

Posted on
Jan 19, 2011

Recently, I met up with travel blogger (redacted), who was visiting Seattle with her mom. They were both in town from (redacted), because (redacted) had a (redacted). Sigh. Let’s just call her “Redacted,” okay? And her mom can be Sue. That’s going to make this all a lot easier. (Also, names have been redacted for…

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Traveling, honestly.

Posted on
Jan 18, 2011

Years ago, my husband made a crucial mistake when speaking to my mother. He was honest. I know, I know – the idiot, right? He has yet to live it down. The date of his grievous error was sometime in 2006. We had had a fantastic time visiting my dad in Germany before driving down…

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