The Blog

Unhappy with your hotel room? Grab your camera.

Posted on
Feb 14, 2011

The nice thing about the amount that Rand and I travel is that it’s made me less fussy about things. No, really. It has. What? Why are you laughing? I’m serious. I’m far less picky and difficult about things. STOP LAUGHING. Okay, okay, fine – I’m still difficult about some things. Certain members of my…

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Breaking the rules, and making mom proud.

Posted on
Feb 9, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

I obey the rules. Like, always. I can’t help it: I’m from Seattle. We don’t jaywalk. We wait our turn. And if someone cuts in front of us in line? Well, you can be damn sure we will politely glare at their backs and pray that the universe will smite them for their transgressions. When…

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The Week: February 4, 2011

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Feb 4, 2011

It’s been a crazy-busy week. So busy, that I was contemplating simply writing, “Here. Links. You like.” And having that be it. But it seemed a bit … I don’t know … minimalist? Still, isn’t minimalism a good thing? Probably. And in that spirit: Here. Links. You like. —————— 50 states, 50 breakfasts. Damn it.…

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10 timely photos from our San Francisco Trip

Posted on
Feb 3, 2011
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

My blog is very up-to-date. The things that I write about? They happened very recently. Even if it seems that I’ve purposely left out any allusions to time or dates, that’s not because I’m writing about things that transpired months ago. No. Definitely not. (Look around nervously.) And now, I’d like to present ten pictures…

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WTF Wednesday: In which a good deed shocks me

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Feb 2, 2011

Over the years, I’ve developed a mantra. A little phrase I repeat to myself, when I become so fed up with the entire world that I just might scream. I close my eyes, I take a deep breath, and I say it gently to myself. “I hate humanity,” I say. Okay, fine. So it’s not…

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An unfavorable light.

Posted on
Feb 1, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

Our trip to San Diego last over the holidays was marred with some heinous weather. It rained, for 7 straight days. In Seattle, this is known simply as “a week.” But in San Diego, land of sunshine and mirth, it was a sign of the end of days. People were acting weird. Like, vacant-eyed, moody,…

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Cupcake DEATH Match: Cupcake Royale vs. Magnolia Bakery

Posted on
Jan 31, 2011

– “I need cupcakes. Cupcakes for science.” I announced to my husband the other evening. “That sounds perfectly reasonable,” he replied. “I need them,” I said. “Mmm-hmm.” “SCIENCE!” I screamed. He nodded. Usually I don’t specify why I want cupcakes. It would be like asking why fish need water, or Berkeley needs drum circles. THEY…

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The Week: January 28, 2011

Posted on
Jan 28, 2011
Posted in: Sites

It’s been a good week. I can’t quite call it great, because there’s serious crap going on (see: Egypt), and I think I’d be remiss to go on and on about my personal successes in the wake of it. But I had a good week. And in that spirit, here are a bunch of links…

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