The Blog

The Week: February 25, 2011

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Feb 25, 2011

Folks, I am tired. How is that, you say? How is it a woman, with no steady job, no house, no kids, no pets, and only one half-dead houseplant be tired? And I will tell you, dear friends, it is because of SNOW-MAGGEDON. It has exhausted me. For the last week, we here in the…

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WTF Wednesday: rolling roadblocks in L.A.

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Feb 23, 2011
Posted in: WTF

– I’d like to think that, as a Seattleite (Seattlite? Does it matter?) I know a thing or three about traffic. It’s taken me 25 minutes to move 25 feet before (east side, rush hour). I’ve nearly cried in frustration at our city’s gridlock, pressing my head against the steering wheel in the middle of…

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The Week: February 18, 2011

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Feb 18, 2011

Um, wow. So, I didn’t quite expect my post about Rand’s broken laptop to get quite the level of attention that it did. Thank you to everyone who read the post, who helped spread the word, and who shared their thoughts. Really, I just wanted to vent, and while I still intend to file a…

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Dick Move, TSA (R.I.P. Rand’s laptop)

Posted on
Feb 16, 2011
Posted in: Air Travel, Dick Move

– I’d like to take a few moments to remember, with extreme fondness, Rand’s dear departed laptop. It traveled with us across the globe. It never made weird sounds, it was quick to start up, and had a battery life that was unusually long. It was lightweight and kept my lap warm on cold winter…

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February 15th: The most romantic night, ever.

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Feb 15, 2011

Dinner reservations have been made. I rummaged through my closet, pulled out an array of dresses, tossed half of them back in, pulled out some different ones, and think I finally decided on an outfit. Later, I’ll start the 2-6 hour depilatory process required of all Italian women before going out on a date. Because…

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