The Blog

WTF Wednesday: Italian TV

Posted on
May 4, 2011
Posted in: Rants and Raves, WTF

TV outside of the U.S. is such a treasure. After spending the whole day roaming around a foreign city, sampling a dozen or so local desserts (for journalistic integrity is at stake, and if you do not try them all, Fox News wins), and getting lost at least twice, you return to your hotel room,…

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The Must-Eat List: Italy

Posted on
May 3, 2011

A while back (it seems a lifetime ago), Rand and I were sitting in the living room of our old home talking about our then-upcoming trip to Italy. “Do you have a must-see list of places you want to visit?” “Not really,” I replied honestly. “But I have a must-eat list.” He looked at me,…

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Politics are complicated.

Posted on
May 2, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

Should the great day ever dawn that  I have children, I imagine that their studies of U.S. history will be divided by a line of demarcation on September 11th, 2001. There will be the America that existed before that date, and the America that existed after, and even the most worldly of us have to…

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The Week: April 29, 2011

Posted on
Apr 29, 2011

I am blogging. From my new office in our new place, and not, say, surreptitiously using Rand’s computer while he’s in the shower or at work or otherwise distracted (note: shiny things, scotch, and old NFL highlights from seasons past work well to draw away his attention). Now, this does not in any way mean…

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10 ways moving is like travel

Posted on
Apr 26, 2011
Posted in: Top Ten

You guys will forgive me for phoning this one in, right? (As a side note, I do not know where my phone is). But yesterday’s post made me realize exactly how much moving to a new place really is like travel, and since it’s been ages since I last did a top ten post (or…

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Home Introspection

Posted on
Apr 25, 2011

– Hi. Remember me? Yeah, it’s been a while. And I’m sincerely sorry. Those of you who’ve followed the blog religiously for last year or so (to whom I say both “thank you” and “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?”) know that this is out-of-character. My highly-developed sense of Catholic guilt combined with an over-achiever attitude…

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And not a single f#ck was given that day.

Posted on
Apr 13, 2011

There comes a point, when traveling, that you simply cease to care. You may find that everything in your suitcase inexplicably smells like sauerkraut, or that you are sharing a train car with a guy who you are absolutely certain has a hacked up body in his bag, and provided none of those things prevent…

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Weathering the storms …

Posted on
Apr 12, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

“You know what they say … if you don’t like the weather, shut up.” – text of an email I received from Groupon today. Spring is coming. I know technically it’s already here, should have started roughly a month ago, but in Seattle all bets are off. In this town,  you see things that will…

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Gone phishing …

Posted on
Apr 11, 2011

I like to think that I possess a healthy dose of skepticism. I never truly bought into the whole “Santa” myth as a kid, though I totally pretended to in order to bond with a friend of mine (my commitment to the Catholic church also had similar origins). I have been known to call shenanigans…

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