The Blog

Thin-soled running shoes, reviewed.

Posted on
May 23, 2011
Posted in: Products

For the last few years, I’ve resisted taking tennis shoes with me on trips. I figured there was no greater travel or fashion crime than wandering around a city in jeans, a button-down, and bright white tennis shoes, which, combined with my inherent neurosis, meant I was bound to be mistaken for Jerry Seinfeld. Simply,…

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The Week: May 20, 2011

Posted on
May 20, 2011

It’s been weeks since I’ve posted a Friday round-up, and for that I am sorry. I am sure that a good number of you have seen a substantial rise in your productivity going into the weekend, and that is simply a travesty. Friday’s should be spent wasting time on the internet, taking two hour long…

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Dick Move, Inconsiderate Window Seat Guy

Posted on
May 20, 2011
Posted in: Air Travel, Dick Move

On our last trip back from Europe, we were unfortunate enough to discover the one thing that could make an Air France flight worse. And it is having to share a cabin with this guy: – I’m referring to the one on the right, closest to the window. I realize that he doesn’t look that…

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Naughty thoughts in Italy.

Posted on
May 17, 2011
Posted in: Local Color

I saw this sketch in a little kiosk that sold old maps, postcards, and prints in the center of Rome: – Lovely, right? I kind of wish I had bought it. But mostly, when I look at it, I can’t help but think of this: – Still, those chariot drivers must have needed something to…

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A little tenderness, for Japan

Posted on
May 12, 2011
Posted in: Events

There are times, when I travel, that I see behavior that makes me want to scream. Like yesterday morning, when a gaggle of young, mobile, healthy tourists refused to get out of an over-crowded elevator to make room for my husband’s grandparents (who eventually walked down five flights of stairs rather than wait for the…

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WTF Wednesday: Most. Complicated. Shower. Ever.

Posted on
May 11, 2011
Posted in: Rants and Raves, WTF

Italian interior design hurts my brain. You’d think that for a country so well-known for its clothing, the inside of homes and hotels would be more fashionable. Instead, they’re what I imagine people in communist Russia thought the future would look like. The decor is weirdly sparse. Even in homes where people have been for…

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10 photos from San Marino

Posted on
May 10, 2011
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

To follow up on yesterday’s ten facts about San Marino, I decided to add some visuals of our trip to the lovely little mountain town country. My apologies to those of you who dislike top ten lists, or have a phobia of the number ten, or sustained some traumatic injury as a child while learning…

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