The Blog

Dominent genes

Posted on
Jun 6, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

Edward and I have inherited a tendency from our dad. I’m not sure if it’s a conscious one (I know for me, it’s not. Hell, I’m doing it right now). Our faces, at rest, are usually scowls. It might be that the opening for our ocular nerve is abnormally big, thus letting in too much…

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The Week: June 3, 2011

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Jun 3, 2011

Is it possible to have senioritis if you are not a senior? If you, say, aren’t even in school? Or, hell, are unemployed? Can you claim that you’ve got a case of the devil-may-care let’s-party-all-the-time affliction that hits soon-to-be-graduates when you live a life of leisure? Huh? Can you? No. Obviously not. I mean, not…

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The Pantheon

Posted on
Jun 2, 2011

During our last trip to Italy, we headed to the Pantheon (in the interest of full disclosure, I did not know the difference between the Parthenon and the Pantheon until rather recently. I also cannot tell the Olsen twins apart. Tell no one of my secret shame). It was at the suggestion of Jessica at…

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The Secrets of Rome

Posted on
Jun 1, 2011

There are parts of our Rome trip which I would like to share with you, but I can’t. I would like, for example, to share with you the name of the restaurant where Rand’s friend Fleur took us, but I swore to her that I would not. I willfully forgot its name and location. I…

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Practically impractical.

Posted on
May 31, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

They are four-inch-tall, rhinestone-studded confections. And they were probably a mistake. – And yet, I regret nothing. I found them in a boutique near Piazza Navona, as the rain fell on our last morning in Rome. I saw them in the window, and stopped abruptly. The way romantic leads do in Hollywood movies. I stopped,…

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The Week: May 25, 2011

Posted on
May 27, 2011
Posted in: Sites

It is almost sunny today in Seattle. Given that this past spring has resembled (more or less) the climate one would find inside an old, wet sponge, I am thrilled. “Almost sunny” is good enough for me. So while I run around outside in a vain attempt to process Vitamin D, please enjoy the links…

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Hotel Raphael, Rome – a splurge, and well worth it.

Posted on
May 26, 2011
Posted in: City Guide, Hotels

In the wake of a few miserable hotel stays, Rand has hit his limit. He has, apparently, had enough of toilets that don’t flush properly and continental breakfasts that look like the remnants of a cold-war-era kitchen after a particularly harsh winter. “We’re going to start staying in nicer places,” he told me the other…

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WTF Wednesday: Messing with Rand (a short play)

Posted on
May 25, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings, WTF

My husband is a lovely and trusting soul. He has this persistent and annoying belief that humans are good at heart, despite my greatest attempts to contrary. I can’t seem to quash his faith in people, nor eliminate that sparkle of hope that permanently shines in his eye. Behold: – That doesn’t mean I haven’t…

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10 photos from Rome

Posted on
May 24, 2011

I feel like Billy Pilgrim: I have come unstuck in time. A friend asked me where exactly I had been recently, because she had followed my antics through Rome, then there was something about Air France, then something about Boston, and she was utterly confused. Why I very much would like to claim that I…

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