The Blog

10 photos of London

Posted on
Jun 13, 2011
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

I love London. I’ve heard people complain that it’s too big and heartless, the locals too rude and impersonal, but I’ve never gotten that impression. I find the city vibrant and welcoming and a little quirky, and that goes double for most of its inhabitants. And coming from the-perpetually-damp-Seattle, I can laugh when people complain…

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The Week: June 10, 2011

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Jun 10, 2011

It’s been a week. I really don’t even know what to say other than that. I, the gal who always has plenty to say about virtually every topic (whether I have a clue of what I’m talking about or not), have been left utterly speechless by the events of the past few days. Since the…

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Love bites from the Universe

Posted on
Jun 10, 2011

There are times when the universe likes to remind you that it, and not you, is in charge. And the reminders are not entirely painless. They’re reminiscent of the love bites my cousin’s dog gives. You think you’re playing around, and then all of a sudden – “OUCH.” You make it through intact, but still…

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WTF Wednesday: Louvre opening hours

Posted on
Jun 8, 2011
Posted in: WTF

This week, my husband and I were supposed to be in France. We are not (it is a loooong story, and one which I will share with you later this week). As I was preparing for our visit, I tried to figure out when Rand and I might be able to pop into the Louvre…

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The London Transport Museum

Posted on
Jun 8, 2011

I have a confession. Remember yesterday? I mean, if you don’t, that’s fine (but we should probably address that, because it means that you either need to have your hippocampus checked, or you’ve been having way too much fun without me). Anyway, yesterday I made some rather bold statements about how Covent Garden was just…

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The shops of Covent Garden, London

Posted on
Jun 7, 2011

I love playing the part of the Ugly American. The way I figure it, if people are going to judge and hate me without knowing me, the least I can do is have a little fun at their expense. The best part is the look on their faces when they realize I’ve been messing with…

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Thanks, everyone

Posted on
Jun 6, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

Thank you all for your kind words, retweets, comments, Facebook likes, and support today. It’s been truly amazing, and I really feel humbled and undeserving of all of the attention I’ve received. I mean, I not saying I don’t love it. I’m just saying … it’s all a little overwhelming, and hard to process. I’m…

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The Best of the Everywhereist

Posted on
Jun 6, 2011

Okay, so it’s a little early for a year-in-review, right? I mean, it’s June. But hey, that apparently didn’t stop Time Magazine from writing up the best blogs of 2011 … and, um … apparently I made the cut. Believe me: no one is more surprised than I am. I mean, secretly I always hoped…

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