The Blog

The Week: June 24, 2011

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Jun 24, 2011

This week has been a bit of a whirlwind. Rand and I have found ourselves running around both coasts of the U.S., skipping from city to city, appointment to appointment, TSA groping to TSA groping. It’s enough to make anyone a little loopy. How loopy, you might ask? I might have taken to laughing at…

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An SF experiment: leaving my bag behind

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Jun 23, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

I’ve decided that the world can be summed up thusly: I have always fallen, since a tender young age, into the category of people who carry bags. I generally can’t leave the house without lugging an enormous purse with me, hanging awkwardly from my hip and lower back like a conjoined twin that my body…

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WTF Wednesday: Faking an Accent

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Jun 22, 2011
Posted in: WTF

It’s time for WTF Wednesday, a semi-regular feature where I ramble on about downright crazy things I’ve encountered while traveling. – I am going to make a statement which will date me far beyond my 30 years, and one for which I will ask my younger readers (should they not presently be napping or enjoying…

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Compulsive Cleaning

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Jun 21, 2011

Kelsey, the blogatrix behind Drifting Focus, recently wrote about her struggles with OCD before she leaves on a trip. She often finds herself packing and re-packing her bags, double-checking to make sure everything is where it should be. It is an honest, candid account of what she has to deal with before traveling, and an inspiring…

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The Week: June 17, 2011

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Jun 17, 2011

I’m swamped – positively swamped. But I’m kind of thrilled about all the things I have on my plate: loads of travel, and hopefully some delicious desserts, too. So while I try to track down an elusive (but supposedly amazing) ice cream shop, please enjoy a collection of links that I’ve gathered from the last…

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The Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms, London

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Jun 15, 2011

– The strangest thing happened to me that last time I was in London: I went to a museum dedicated to Britain’s role in WWII. And I liked it. I know – you’re thinking that you can’t have read that correctly. “She must have meant cupcakes,” you think. “Or possibly Jeff Goldblum. She just got…

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