The Blog

Happy Birthday,

Posted on
Jul 6, 2011

While my blog doesn’t have an official launch date, I’ve declared its birthday sometime in the first week of July. Like an irresponsible parent, I don’t remember when my creation first came into the world, and I was only marginally interested in those early months. Since the beginning of July was when I started to…

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Happy Independence Day. There is no cake.

Posted on
Jul 4, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

    It’s the Fourth of July, and while I had told myself I would be taking the day off to get drunk and eat hot dogs, because that’s what our founding fathers would have wanted, I instead find myself thinking about what it means to be an American. How centuries ago we split from…

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The Week: July 1, 2011

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Jul 1, 2011

My productivity this week has been lower than normal – which is somewhat shameful. When someone’s “work” consists of rambling on about travels and eating sweets, it is all kinds of unforgivable when they slack off. So today, believe it or not, I am determined to hunker down, get focused, and get ridiculous amounts of…

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10 photos from New York: Skylines and Smooches

Posted on
Jun 30, 2011
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

Last month, we spent a few days in New York before heading to Boston. The weather cooperated, the cupcakes were plentiful, and I remembered why one of my favorite cities in the world is precisely that. Here are ten photos from our adventures in Manhattan. The theater district, afternoon sun. –  – Kissing in Times…

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Driving in Manhattan.

Posted on
Jun 28, 2011

It is midnight right now on the east coast, and I am way too excited to even think about sleeping. And while there are plenty of other posts which I should, chronologically at least, get to first, I have to tell you about this evening. Because tonight, I did something that I had never done…

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