The Blog

AIDS/HIV Awareness Banner Vandalized In Capitol Hill

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Jul 19, 2011
Posted in: Dick Move

Before I launch full-force into my coverage of Boston (the city, not the band), I feel like I should mention the events of this past Sunday, which I bore witness to, and which made it to the local news here in Seattle. Now, keep in mind, despite being a fairly notable city, Seattle isn’t exactly…

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Old Man Fishkin and His Grandfather

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Jul 18, 2011

Rand’s birthday was the Sunday before last, and it passed in our home with nary a cupcake to celebrate. It came, it went, and there was not a crumb of cake, not a spoonful of frosting, no cluster of friends crooning “Happy Birthday” off-key. I consider this an unforgivable oversight on my part. We tried…

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The Week: July 15, 2011

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Jul 15, 2011

Things have been a bit “off” for me today. I just spent several long minutes trying to figure out what was wrong with my website and then I realized I was TYPING THE WRONG DOMAIN in the address bar. And no, I don’t have my own website bookmarked on my own computer (What? I feel…

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WTF Weds: Seattle Summer Weather

Posted on
Jul 13, 2011
Posted in: WTF

Seattle, I love  you. You know this. I will always love you, in spite of everything. You insist on charging me for street parking until 8pm? I deal with it. Your property values continue to skyrocket despite the fact that I can buy a 4-bedroom 3-bathroom palace anywhere else in the country for roughly the…

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The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island: Part II

Posted on
Jul 13, 2011

(Yesterday I told the tale of how I visited the Statue of Liberty. This post continues where that one left off, as I made my way from Liberty Island to Ellis.) I’d be remiss if I told you about my visit to Ellis and Liberty Islands and neglected to note how I almost royally messed…

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The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island: Part I

Posted on
Jul 12, 2011

(Note: Due to length, I’ve split up my coverage of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island into two posts. Part 1 covers the Statue of Liberty, and Part 2 will be published tomorrow, and will cover Ellis Island. Enjoy.) ————— – I am not one to feel emotionally moved very often. This is probably…

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The Week: July 8, 2011

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Jul 8, 2011

It’s Friday, and the sun is finally, mercifully, smiling on my rainy little burg. So forgive me if this week’s round-up lacks a proper intro. I’m distracted by all the sunshine and Vitamin-D-processing that’s going on around me. On to the week that was! ————— Is it okay to start with a little bragging and shameless…

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