The Blog

The Week: July 28, 2011

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Jul 29, 2011

Let’s ignore the fact that July is almost over, shall we? Or that earlier today I accidentally put down 2008 as the current year. Time is passing, and my brain clearly has no desire to keep up. Rather than preoccupy myself with the minutes that keep flying by, I chose to squander my precious time…

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The Boston Freedom Trail Walking Tour

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Jul 28, 2011

As a lover of bargains, history, and little old men in uniforms, I can safely say that one of my favorite things about travel is partaking in the many free national park tours our country has to offer. America’s National Park Service seems to exclusively hire flirty male septuagenarians as guides, and I am completely…

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Jersey Boy

Posted on
Jul 26, 2011

– I married a boy from New Jersey. There is no state more unfairly maligned. Tell folks you are from anywhere else, no matter how abused and run-down, and the response will be better than if you say you are from Jersey. Detroit will get you sympathetic comments about the state of America’s heartland, and praises…

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The Week: July 22, 2011

Posted on
Jul 22, 2011

It’s official: I’ve had it with Seattle, at least for the next few days (I need more than 78 minutes of summer). I’m off to Wichita (yes, Wichita) to see an old friend (and a new one). Rand predicts that it will be one of the most foreign experiences of my life. But really, how…

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