WTF Wednesday: A open letter to England, regarding the riots
Last night I penned this: –
Last night I penned this: –
– Like most of you, I’ve been following the news about the riots in London. I’ve seen the photos. I’ve searched through news articles. I’ve poured through the twitter accounts of my friends across the pond, all in an attempt to figure out what the hell is going on over there. And there’s so much…
Rand and I were meandering around Vancouver a few weeks back (I had dragged him out there on one of the few weekends he was not on the road so that I could attend a travel conference. RECIPROCITY FOR THE WIN!) and we kept seeing things which cracked us up. Now, mind you, I don’t…
– There are times during my travels when I discover something so magical, I think, “I must share this with the world.” And by “share it with the world” I mean prattle on and on about it on my blog, of course. I’d like to think that I’ve shared my views on profound worldly matters,…
I am in Florida. FLORIDA. Land of my youth. It’s sticky, humid, and flat here – like being in a fallen souffle (incidentally, I am very hungry. Jet-lag makes me ravenous). It’s my first time back in the sunshine state in years – I’ve returned to attend a friend’s wedding reception. Everything is foreign but…
What seems like a lifetime ago, Rand and I were in Bavaria (turns out it was just this past spring). We try to visit southern Germany whenever we can, as my dad and stepmother live there. On our last trip, by a strange confluence of events, we found ourselves there at the same time as…
Hey Sarah. How’s it going? I know, I know – you’re probably still mad at me about that Halloween costume from a few years ago, right? But come on. It was a really good costume, and I’m cursed with not really looking like anyone famous, so this was my one chance, you know? Plus, everyone…
On a foggy day in Boston, I found myself unsure of what to do, so like any reasonable person, I decided to ask the good people of Twitter. For the record, I do not regularly crowd source my decisions. But since my current travel plans are largely dictated by “wherever I end up after I…
Last weekend, Rand went to Brazil and I went to Wichita (his prophecy: “Your experience will be more foreign than mine”). He showed me the only photos he took from his trip (courtesy of his cell phone camera) and it was a quiet reminder that he really DOES need to me to document his travels…