The Blog

Strawberry Hostess Cupcakes? SINCE WHEN?

Posted on
Aug 23, 2011
Posted in: Awesome, Food, WTF

I’d like to think that I’m pretty up-to-speed on important, world-changing events. I read reddit daily. I’m following the situation in Libya. I heard about the passing of Jack Layton, leader of Canada’s Official Opposition party (though in all honesty, up until this week I had no idea who he was). I’m even somewhat aware…

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The Week: August 19, 2011

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Aug 19, 2011

The last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind. I haven’t had much time to think, very little time to post, and hardly any time to look around and appreciate the world around me. Which is a shame, because it is quite a delightful world. So while I take a minute to enjoy…

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Blue Bottle Cafe, San Francisco

Posted on
Aug 15, 2011

The Blue Bottle Cafe in San Francisco, California, is what happens when you combine a coffee shop with a science experiment. Coffee is served in beakers; the metal stools that line one edge of the bar are identical to the ones in my seventh grade biology class (I may have started having flashbacks of my…

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The Week: August 12, 2011

Posted on
Aug 12, 2011

For the first time in a decade (yes, ten whole friggin years) my brother and sister-in-law are in town. I realize that many of my readers will be saddened to discover that my bro is, in fact, married. On the plus side, I promise to post plenty of photos of him in the coming weeks.…

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