The Blog

The Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center

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Oct 3, 2011

History is not always kid-friendly. It lacks happy endings, victorious protagonists and punished villains. It’s not really something we have the grounds to complain about. History wasn’t created by a bunch of underpaid writers in the basement of a Hollywood studio. We can’t threaten to boycott Disney until they get the story right. We’re the…

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The Week: September 30, 2011

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Sep 30, 2011

It’s Friday, I’m home, and it’s SUNNY OUT in Seattle. If my skin wasn’t breaking out while I was concurrently fighting off a cold, I’d be the happiest girl in town. As it stands, I’m just probably just the happiest girl in my neighborhood, which is good enough for me. I’m off to make myself…

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The Donut Whole, Wichita, Kansas.

Posted on
Sep 29, 2011

It’s with a bit of guilt that I tell you about the Donut Whole in Wichita, Kansas. I just got back from Peru last night, and while I loved the trip, there were times when Rand and I both looked at each other and thanked the heavens that we were born with all the privileges and opportunity…

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Bogey’s Shakes, Hutchinson, Kansas.

Posted on
Sep 26, 2011

Rand once told me that people are happier when they’re given fewer choices. He’d read an article on it. Something about how we still like to have options, but when we’re faced with too many of them, we get overwhelmed. Our instinctual reaction is try to limit our options to only a few, and failing…

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The Week: September 23, 2011

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Sep 23, 2011

Summer is officially over. In Seattle the rain has started to fall, and I’ve already taken out my sweaters (though to be fair, I never really put them away this summer in the first place). If you find yourself shaking a fist and cursing the heavens for the grey skies above you, please stop. I…

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Happy Birthday, Edward

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Sep 21, 2011

A message to my bro, on his (AGE REDACTED) birthday; Remember how mom used to make us celebrate our birthdays together on the 14th? – And how we totally hated it? When you put your foot down and declared enough of that – SEPARATE BIRTHDAYS, DAMN IT! – I was completely happy. I didn’t miss…

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The Kansas Underground Salt Museum: Part 2

Posted on
Sep 21, 2011

Open some windows, turn on some bright lights, and get ready for the exciting, claustrophobia-inducing conclusion of my trip to the Kansas Underground Salt Museum! And in case you missed it, here’s Part 1.  After roaming around and TOTALLY NOT LICKING THE WALLS of the Kansas Underground Salt Museum, Jason and I decided to partake…

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