The Blog

The Week: October 14, 2011

Posted on
Oct 14, 2011

Man, was I cranky this week. One weensy little cold had me whining on the couch and complaining to my dear husband for days. I am a wimp. He is a saint. I am going to go do something nice for him (like … I dunno, laundry. Who doesn’t like clean laundry?) You, in the meantime,…

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Going back to school: Indialantic, Florida.

Posted on
Oct 11, 2011

– Elementary school was not an easy time for me. I know, you’re shocked, right? I mean, who wouldn’t want to  be friends with a 70-pound girl with an adult-sized nose? (Quote from my friend Peter: “You must have looked like a pterodactyl.”) Plus, I was awesome. My incomplete Babysitter’s Club book collection, my gender-bending…

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Sick Day

Posted on
Oct 10, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

I am taking a sick day. Possibly two. My head feels like it is simultaneously underwater and in a vice. And yet, all I can be is grateful for this diabolical cold (can it even be called that? Colds seem to be adorable, light little things easily relieved by a pack of tissues and NyQuil…

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The Week: Oct. 7, 2011

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Oct 7, 2011

It’s been an eventful week. Yes, the pioneer of modern personal technology died, but perhaps more significantly (at least, in my world) one of my friends lost her mother, while another became a mother. I suspect there’s nothing that wraps up existence more succinctly than that. Just when you are getting to the party, someone…

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Home Again: Visiting Indialantic, Florida

Posted on
Oct 5, 2011

– As a kid, I never understood the expression “You can’t go home again”. I thought it was idiotic. After sleepovers at friends’ houses, after long afternoons at band practice, after a week at SeaCamp (oh, don’t act so surprised: I was and still am a dork), home was always waiting for me. No matter…

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