Author: Formaggio Bambino

When Online Threats Become Real. (It’s Not Just Trolling.)

Posted on
Mar 15, 2019
Posted in: Personal Essay

(Note: this piece does not link to any of the shooter’s video or manifesto directly, but some of the news sites that I link to may do so. A few include screencaps of his 4-chan forum discussions. Please click with caution.) 49 people died yesterday, gunned down in two mosques in coordinated attacks across New…

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The Everywhereist On Live Wire Radio

Posted on
Mar 8, 2019
Posted in: Awesome, Site News

I’m still weirded out when I’m asked to do interviews. I still feel like, even after all these years, that the blog (and even my book) are sort of a small, insular thing, and when people have heard of them, I find it oddly confusing. It’s like a stranger walking up to you and talking…

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If I Had One Story Left To Tell

Posted on
Dec 31, 2018
Posted in: Uncategorized

A few months ago, I had the pleasure of being on Dan Moyle’s podcast, The Storytellers Network. I’m always a bit hesitant to go on podcasts. I love chatting with people, but my relationship with the spoken word isn’t quite what it is with the written one. I tend to ramble unless I have a…

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Every Relationship In Love, Actually, Listed In Order of How Dysfunctional They Are.

Posted on
Dec 21, 2018

It’s December, which means that you’ve probably read all of the daring thinkpieces about how Love, Actually is the greatest holiday movie, ever, despite its many, many flaws, or the other, more daring thinkpieces about how Love, Actually, is the worst holiday movie, ever, because of the aforementioned flaws. And I shouldn’t be adding gasoline…

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Seeing Genoa for The First Time Again.

Posted on
Dec 11, 2018

It is with some embarrassment that I tell you that I hated Genoa the first time I visited there, a decade and a lifetime ago. In my book, the only mention I make of the seaside city – the birthplace of Christopher Columbus, the location where Marco Polo was imprisoned for a year (because Italy…

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Emergency Porchetta, Canelli, Italy

Posted on
Nov 29, 2018
Posted in: Food, Random Musings

The emergency porchetta was my favorite part of the trip. That is a strange thing to say for a lot of reasons. For one, I don’t know if the concept of emergency porchetta is widely known. A Google search for the term reveals four results, the most salient of which is someone looking for cooking…

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