Author: Everywhereist

Hello. Goodbye.

Posted on
Jan 1, 2018

Hello. I am back. At least, I’m telling myself that I am back. I am committing, under the binding oath of the internet (my hand firmly placed on a laptop open to reddit’s homepage as I swear this to you) to try to blog again this year. Do you hear that, internet? I AM GOING…

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The Monkeys of Gibraltar

Posted on
Nov 7, 2017

Note: We were in Spain last spring, but work on the book meant that I haven’t gotten around to blogging about a lot of the places we visited. In keeping with the better-late-than-never mindset that characterizes much of my life, I’m finally writing about some of the strange and wonderful things we saw. If you want…

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The Faded Glory of Route 66

Posted on
Oct 4, 2017
Posted in: Uncategorized

My immigrant parents, while bestowing upon me the gift of worldliness, with their accents and many passports and the ease with which they code-switched, yelling at one another in English, German, Italian, and Russian, left a glaring omission in my childhood: there was no Americana. It was not that America itself was absent from my…

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