Author: Everywhereist

Adoration in Photos: Then and Now

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Aug 27, 2015

October 2010. Sofia, Bulgaria. I call my expression in this photo “adoringly demented.” Because it is.   July 2015. Oxford, England.   Notice that: I continue to wear earrings the size of salad plates. I have managed to tone down the “I am going to eat your skin” crazy face. Rand has inexplicably gotten handsomer.

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History 225: Nuptials of Friends in Foreign Lands

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Aug 17, 2015
Posted in: Personal Essay

I like watching history unfold. I am understandably fascinated by those moments that dominate the headlines, that will become fodder for essay questions in college classes a hundred years from now. The time we landed on the moon. The time communism fell. The time Obama was elected. My affections do not end there, limited to the…

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The Donald Trump Republican Presidential Debate Drinking Game

Posted on
Aug 6, 2015

There is something perversely wonderful about tonight, Jon Stewart’s last night on The Daily Show, coinciding with the Republican Presidential debates, of which Donald Trump is a front-runner. Like, he’s actually the front-runner. That is a fact. There’s something like 28 people vying to be the Republican nominee (it’s starting to look like some weird, post-apocalyptic version…

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I Attempt to Be Fashionable. Because Milan.

Posted on
Jul 30, 2015
Posted in: Random Musings

I don’t really understand fashion. Fortunately, I live in the Pacific Northwest. In my corner of the country, I once saw someone wear cargo shorts to a wedding, and there’s a grey-haired, bearded guy who runs around my neighborhood in a rainbow colored skirt, juggling scarves, and absolutely no one cares. It’s wonderful. Recently, though,…

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