The Week: August 5, 2011

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Aug 5, 2011

I am in Florida. FLORIDA. Land of my youth. It’s sticky, humid, and flat here – like being in a fallen souffle (incidentally, I am very hungry. Jet-lag makes me ravenous). It’s my first time back in the sunshine state in years – I’ve returned to attend a friend’s wedding reception. Everything is foreign but strangely familiar. I recognize a building every now and then, a few items in the grocery store, the occasional face.

I suspect I will have lots to tell you about. But right now I have to go. One of my best friends from elementary school just asked me if I wanted a pre-breakfast cookie.

There’s only one correct answer to that question. It’s the same one that you give when another old friend asks if you are coming to her wedding reception.

Yes. Absolutely. Of course.


I am going to the Kennedy Space Center today. This seems strangely apt.


And continuing on the intergalactic theme, I really dig this behind-the-scenes photo from Empire (even if it destroys the fourth wall).


Hmm … I’m beginning to notice a theme with this week’s links: Swedish treasure hunters may have just found the wreckage of the Millennium Falcon-like ship on the ocean floor. (via @mobilelawyer)


It’s true: penguins suck at logic. And they aren’t that good at Portuguese, either (or so I’ve heard).


I knew about a couple of these, but I’m still kind of floored by Tobey Maguire with a mullet: 25 celebrities you never knew were in classic movies.


And because I clearly can’t get enough Star Wars this week, here’s an lovely little pictorial representation of the ships in the original trilogy.


Even though it doesn’t pack well, I kind of want this Death Star dress.


In what might be the greatest thing I’ve seen all week, a Mariachi band playing a wedding at an aquarium in Connecticut serenades a beluga whale.


Tee-hee. As someone with a positively diabolical sense of humor, I can relate to this Venn diagram.


I have had “Girl-Shaped Love Drug” stuck in my head all week. And now perhaps you will, too (it’s actually not that bad an addiction).


Enjoy the weekend, folks. Mine promises to be toasty.

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