I Fall Asleep Everywhere And My Life is Wasted On Me.

So, wait, you’re a travel writer?
Well, kind of. I mean, I travel a lot and I write about it, but I don’t know if my blog is actually useful for-
That sounds amazing.
Yeah, it’s pretty fun … Honestly, sometimes I think it’s wasted on me. I get motion sickness and I’m sort of a homebody so-
You must have the most glamorous life.
You TRAVEL THE WORLD and then you write about it. That sounds like a dream.
Um … yes.
So what do you do on your trips? Do you spend every day taking photos and exploring?
Where have you been recently?
Let’s see … a few months ago we were in Scotland.
Ooooh, what was it like?
Um … very relaxing.
That is amazing. I hope you appreciate it.
Yes. Appreciate.
And never take a single moment of it for granted.
Why are you screaming?
Just … making a point about how much I don’t squander my life and how it totally isn’t wasted on an ingrate like me.
Ooookay … Hey, do you have any tips on how to beat jet lag?