Scenes From Ravello, Italy
I may have given you the impression that the only thing to see in Ravello is the Villa Rufolo. And that’s not entirely right. Sure, the Villa is the full-sized Reese’s peanut butter cup in your Halloween bag: hands down the best thing in there. But if you look around a little, you’ll find a couple of Kit-Kats, and maybe a mini Twix (also, as this metaphor illustrates, I have a hankering for some candy. I blame Rand, who brought me a “fun-size” Almond Joy this afternoon, which I consumed in nearly one bite. I now have the overwhelming desire to eat several dozen more).
My point is (rummages through purse, finds an almost-full box of Tic Tacs. Proceeds to pour them straight into her mouth) the entire little village is lovely. Here are a few more scenes from the afternoon we spent there.

Portions of the original city wall are still standing in parts.

I’m starting to think that green doors are a thing in Italy. We saw them everywhere.
Winding paths, ancient buildings, and a sky so blue that it rivaled the sea. Not too shabby, right?
Now if you’ll excuse me, I think there’s a York peppermint patty at the bottom of my freezer somewhere.
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