10 Photos from Bavaria
I’m … um … crap. Honestly, I don’t know where I will be when this post goes up. I’m currently writing it on a sunny afternoon in Seattle, but given the way the next few weeks are going, I might be in Ashland, or New York, or Portland when this finally goes live.
But these pictures? They were taken in Bavaria – there is absolutely no doubt about that. Nowhere else in my travels have I found such blue skies, snow-capped mountains, piles of freshly-baked pretzels, and the most entitled pug to have ever existed outside of a royal court.
Here are 10 photos from our last trip there. It feels like it was just last week, but apparently it was three months ago. If you need me, I’ll be out on the street (in whatever city I find myself in) asking people where summer went.
- Anton, who manages to look like he’s suffering, despite being constantly spoiled.
Do NOT fall for the puppy eyes.
- Breakfast pretzels and breads at my dad’s house.
– - Driving into the village of Garmisch.
– - Detail of a lock on a shutter door, Murnau.
– - Lake Staffelsee, near Murnau.
– - Baby tushie, seen perched on a table at a cafe near Staffelsee.
– - Road through the center of Garmisch.
– - Looking up, Murnau.
– - Rain-stained stone bust, Munich.
– - Flyer that I probably should have stolen, Murnau.
He looks like Colin Firth, but with CRAZY EYES. And he wants to swing.
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