She Actually Said This.

Posted on
Aug 7, 2013

My brain is a weensy bit fried. I’m in California, so blogging will be a little slow/light for the rest of the week. I’m visiting my aunt who just had heart surgery yesterday (and since I know you guys will ask, because you are thoughtful like that, she is doing wonderfully. Thank you for your concern.)

My mom has barely left her side, and I’ve been keeping the two of them company as best I can. This means that for the past 2 days, the three of us have been hanging out in the ICU (my mom even spends the night there). My aunt has spent much of this time sleep off her anesthesia.

And even though it’s my auntie who has a bunch of chemicals in her bloodstream, the quote of today came from my mother, regarding this mystery item, which we found in every single hospital room we passed:

She looked at one of the nurses, and with an absolutely straight face, said, “I can remove that, right?”

Cue slow clap. I guess I know where I get it from.

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