The Week: December 22, 2012
It is three days until Christmas. CHRISTMAS. There is just over a week left in 2012.
This has taken me somewhat by suprise (fear not: I am dealing with it adequately. Yesterday I had two salted caramel ice creams). I feel like the holiday season came up while I was in the middle of telling a story (because, really, what else is a blog other than someone taking waaaay too long to get to the point?)
I still have loads to share with you about our trips from this past year, but then – BAM – Christmas music instantly started playing and there was tinsel everywhere.
And I sit here thinking, “Excuuuuuse me, Holiday Season 2012, but I was SAYING SOMETHING MARGINALLY IMPORTANT.” Sheesh.
I guess I will have to finish those tales in 2013, because it’s already time for some end of the year reflection, in what will be my last post of 2012. So here we go …
It’s been a hell of a year for me and the hubby. Rand’s company doubled in size, took a round of funding, and then proceeded to acquire every small tech business in Portland, EVER (fine, only two so far, BUT STILL. That’s more small companies than I’ve ever acquired). Moz was also voted the best place to work in Seattle. Crazy kudos to everyone involved.
And I had brain surgery. (Crazy kudos to everyone involved in that, too.)
Okay, so his news sounds waaay more impressive than mine, but I’m still proudly showing off my brain surgery merit badge (which is more of a scar than a badge, actually).
The other big development of 2012? I became an auntie. I know the biggest “hooray” moment of the year should probably have been when the doc said I didn’t have brain cancer, but you know what? I’m torn on that issue. Because it might be this guy:

I’m gonna feed him SOOO much candy and then we’re gonna stay up late watching Futurama.
He’s pretty much the best human who’s ever existed in the history of the universe forever and ever and ever and he smells like vanilla. I really like him.
He arrived right after my surgery – a reminder that the universe likes to bring us balance. With every shadow and difficulty it throws at us, it brings us a bit of light, too.
And so, as we embark on an unusually dark and somber holiday season, I hope you all can look back on the year and find good things on which to reflect. I hope you can find a bright spot in your 2012. And if you are very, very lucky, you may even find several of them (it’s okay if they drool).
Thank you for reading my blog, and helping to make my 2012 wonderful. And so, for the very last time this year, I give you the links of the week. Enjoy.
My buddy Will, who is English himself, sent me this list of British people problems. It’s positively delightful and snicker-inducing.
What exactly are the Whos down in Whoville? Aliens? Is the Grinch a different species from the Whos? These, and other not-really-important questions go unanswered once again this holiday season.
Fortunately, some enduring holiday questions can be resolved. Like, say, why Rudolph’s nose is red.
Need something to do with that old, awful holiday sweater sitting in your closet? Why not unravel it using this ingenious machine? (Note: I will not be held responsible if you end up with a Weezer song stuck in your head all day.)
You have probably already seen this already. If so, I’m sorry, but I’m posting it anyways, because it is HILARIOUS: The 25 Funniest AutoCorrects of 2012.
No fewer than four people sent me this quiz – “Which Wes Anderson Character Are You?” My results surprised me, only because I was pretty sure I was Royal Tennenbaum.
If you don’t have time to watch It’s a Wonderful Life for the zillionth time this year, then you can at least flip through these photos from the movie set.
A question that I’m sure is on everyone’s minds this holiday season: Why don’t we give frankincense and myrrh as gifts anymore?
Thankfully, the world didn’t end yesterday. Here’s some photos of Saturn (since we’re lucky enough to still be part of the universe, we might as well check up on some of our neighbors, right?).
And because I love you all dearly, here is a photo of me in a hastily put together Santa costume (note: I am NOT pregnant. I just am really bad at putting together a fake Santa belly without looking like I’m pregnant.)
That’s it for me this week. And this year, for that matter. Have a wonderful holiday, and I’ll see you all in 2013.
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